Saturday, December 31, 2011

Welcome to Your New Adventures!

Welcome to the new adventures! Some of you will spend the night doing some various rituals. Some of you may be celebrating the end of the current year and the beginning of the new. We wish you great tidings on however you usher in the potential of change. We send you blessings as one period ends an a new era begins. It has been our pleasure communicating with you for all of the time we have done so.

The new awaits you and however that presents itself, it will be perfect for you. Always face your moments, days, weeks, months and years with excitement for it is a true new beginning. The old is past and the new awaits. We look forward to our evolution with you. Now is a great time to work together and be on this planet together. You are mighty adventurers. You have chosen gifts and talents to embark on whatever phase you are on. You are perfectly suited for whatever is to now be. Rejoice for this is the moment that awaits each of you. You have asked for this experience and it comes. The date and time is not important. The only thing that is important is that you are here and now is your moment, as are each moments hence. You hold great power within you. Use it wisely.



Friday, December 30, 2011

Increments of Time!

We are coming to a close of another year. An end to an increment of time and a time of new beginnings. Some of you are dreading this because of false prophecies of 2012. Know that as one phase ends another begins. Your phases are not determined by a calendar. They are dependent on the energy alignment. There is no beginning or ending to time and space. It just is. When you leave this reality, you enter another reality. No matter where you are or what you are experiencing, help is always available to you. Leave your ego minds. Open up to the mind of your spirit. Open to the place where your wisdom calls to you. Release your fears and be open to the foundation of love, truth and joy. You are ready for what is now to be. Let this happen and take place. No matter when you receive this message, it will be relevant to your journey. Arise brothers and sisters and step into the new. The new awaits you and you are clearly ready for a new adventure.



Thursday, December 29, 2011

Multiple Levels of Change

There are multiple levels of change taking place on the earth and in your lives right now. Believe this. For you are seeing how tyrants are loosing their power. You are seeing how many are no longer satisfied with feeling disenfranchised or out of the loop. Many are starting to wake up. Some are being clear about what they want in their lives. Some are in the stage of just knowing something doesn’t work right now. Some feel a sense of something about to occur. These are all signs of change and the status quo being redone. You will notice how your own life is changing and shifting. It is okay that you don’t know how this will affect you but you must realize it all points to shifts and changes.

Now how do you handle this energy? Take some deep breaths. Go to your quiet place and just be open. You will receive the guidance on what you need to do right now. Whenever you feel apprehensive, get quiet and be open. Your guidance systems will come through. If you receive nothing then you are being counseled to be patient or your teams are working on something. You may ask what you need to do right now in this moment or you may be open to some other question. You may also ask if there is another question that you need to invoke or ask. Pay attention to what comes through. Some of you may be drawn to a book or class or some other process. Allow that to lead you. Others may be drawn to show up some place at a specific time. Follow through on whatever you pick up. Know there is nothing scary about what is taking place. Know it is from a place of love and it should help empower each of you into your own life path.



Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Blessings for the New Moment!

As your earth year winds down, blessings to you. If you are granted another day or year or other increment of time, we wish you joy, happiness and abundance. Each moment is a true gift. It is a time of rebirth and rejuvenation. What will you make of it? How will you relish all that is before you and within in thee? What would you redo or change? You have a new moment in time to recreate. It is all up to you. Seek to revitalize your energy and source. Seek to create your ideal life and existence. Utilize the gifts and talents that you have. You all have gifts and talents and they are perfect for whatever you seek to create and imagine. You are true miracles and wonders.


The Light

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Get the Most Out of Each Experience!

Feast on life. Get the most out of each experience. Even when you decide to hibernate or relax. Know that you can get the most out of the experience by fully engaging with whatever you are doing. Show up in your life. Show up in your day and each moment. Enjoy sensations while you have them and access to them. Not all realities have sensations. This is something that is magical about your physical reality. Think about that.

Humans often complain but they don’t realize what they really do have. This form of reality is a true gift that many other beings would long for. You don’t appreciate things until they are removed. You don’t realize the wonder in something until it is taken away. Often, you focus on lack instead of abundance. You are always wanting more without truly appreciating all that you have.

The Christians and Jews among you have just come off of a season that is about gift giving. Did you appreciate what you were given? Did you appreciate the efforts others made for you? Do you value what you have right here and now? Pay attention to these answers for they will help you release old beliefs and move into the new from a clear place of valuing all that you truly have. This is part of the amazing world you live in.



Monday, December 26, 2011

Unite in Fellowship and Friendship!

Brothers and Sisters,

Unite in a bond of fellowship and friendship. You are all brothers and sisters in some form or another. You work together to make possible your dreams and aspirations. All who come into your life are players in your life. Some are main players, some are bit parts and some are extras or just in the background. There is a link for all connections. Know this.

To notice anything or learn from it, you must first notice it. You must be able to recognize what shows up and why. Some things will show up to help redirect your attention. Other things will show up because you must learn from them. All experiences are vital to your growth and changes. How you adapt or learn from something is where you come in. Your perceptions may color something but you can open up to other ways to perceive the stimulus you receive. How you react will often create judgment or perceptions. Your frame of reference is what determines your experiences. If you look back at pieces of your life, you will understand them better by taking the blinders off and looking at other messages that might have been brought through but were not perceived. Each piece holds multiple layers of learning. Some lessons are not yours for you may be the player in someone else’s story. That is why you are all so integral in each other’s lives.



Sunday, December 25, 2011


Do you feel the quickening taking place? We are prepared for you to unite with us in fellowship and a bond of light. This comes as you celebrate your Christmas holiday. We chose this time because you have ushered in a feeling of peace and fellowship. It goes beyond gift giving. This is not about accumulating things and stuff. This is about you finding your true selves and nurturing your growth.

This is a time of rebirth. Not because of what this day means to Christians but because of this encounter with us. As you open your hearts to unite with those who work with you, you will move onward in your evolution. Some of you are ready to embrace this and some of you must choose a different path. We speak more to those willing to trust and move into the light of their next phases. We judge not those who feel safe in what they think that they know. We honor and respect your choices.

For those of you who do not fit into the old ways anymore. We are ready to embark on a journey of self discovery with you. There is a reason that you don’t fit in and it is perfect for what you are meant to do. Your teams of energies will expose your new life to you, as is appropriate. You need only agree to move into the light that presents itself to you. As you do, you will evolve. There is nothing harmful in this work with us. This is all based on love. You must only release what no longer fits in your life. We come from thoughts of abundance, love and joy. We would never ask you to do anything that would harm you. As you release the old, you are creating space for the new. This is where we lead you. You will do great things to help those ready for our new adventure. You must stay in your power during this transition and you must always tune in and follow what feels good and powerful for you. Those who stay in the old energy must be respected for their path. You can’t bring anyone into your journey. Whatever you require will show up there.


The Holy Light

Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Phase

Happy Noel! Rejoice you my children for I welcome you to a new future and a paradigm shift. What you will do in this new phase is up to you. New opportunities will present themselves to you. You will alter your reality and engage in something new just by being here at this time. The old is at an end and the new beckons you forward. Unite with the light fellowship and you will be ushered into a new form and new reality.

You will notice my forces guiding you into your future. There are light beings around you now who will take you towards your future. Some humans will stay and many will cross over. All are heading towards their future selves. This is a very exciting time now. Allow it to be so. Feel the love being transmitted to each of you. Now is the time of such great joy and happiness. For we welcome you into our fold.

Blessed children, do not fear what is to be. It is a new journey and you are ready to embark on this great adventure. We send you much love and gratitude. Blessings, my holy offspring. For you are ready to advance now.

Mother of Creation!

Friday, December 23, 2011

New Moment

Brothers and Sisters,

Rejoice for a new day appears. You are ready for the new energy and the new moment to appear. This is a brand new moment in time and space. This is a new chance to invent yourselves and recreate whatever is before you. Each moment is a true miracle.

Many leave your planet and go into another dimension and many more will evolve. Each of you are in your journey and each of you may live your soul contract. You are wise to choose whatever path you take. There is no right or wrong answer to how you create your life experiences. If you say no to something, we will find another to say yes. Each choice will alter your path. Each decision will alter your future. The beauty is you have new moments to create in each day, week and all increments of time.

Welcome to a new start. We bid you good luck and blessings for whatever you decide.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Effects of your Shifts!

We join with you as you engage in holiday events. Many of you will start feeling absent from large gatherings. You can no longer be part of huge functions where others get drunk and impart jovial banter. Your world is changing and altering and you must be willing to form new bonds. You may shy away from gatherings of such. You may find that people who were friends of yours no longer fit into your life and world. That is fine.

Make sure you shield yourself before heading to holiday parties. When you engage with family and friends who were from your old life, be present and awake. Pay attention to how you feel in such events. In many cases, you are the one who has changed and not them. They are as they have been and will be. There are times you must be in such environments but it is vital that you distance yourself in respectful ways. Your knowledge is growing. Your old life friends and family may not have agreed to evolve, as you have. So, judge not them for where they are. There is a place for all of you to be and survive the shifting.

You are never alone. There will be others who resonate with you, who show up in your life. Sadness often shows up when you expect that others are just as you are. You may feel alone but rest assured, you are not. We are around you. We gather near you and we value, appreciate and love you very much.

We are your beings of light who are united with you and form a bond deeper than you can imagine. Just remember that. Whoever you are and wherever you are in your life is perfect for you. That is what your journey is about. We commend you for your bravery.


The United Forces of Light

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Message from Teams!

Dearest Ones,

We are nearer than you think. You feel a sense of separation from those working with you and connecting to you. Yet, there is no real separation from your groups of being who work with you, alongside you and sometimes within you. We are different forms of energy that connect with you as is appropriate. You are never alone and never separated from those energies connected with you. We are there for comfort, support and to work with you. Understand this and be open. For as you need us, welcome us in and we will engage with you.

Your world is changing and you must know that we are forces of light designed to help you through each step of the way. Invite us in. Speak with us. Think thoughts directed at us. We will communicate in our own fashions to you. We find the ways that you will hear and understand us. You are not going crazy when you feel our thoughts or information. There is much that exists beyond the seen and unseen. Know this and suspend your disbelief. You will know us in your evolution. You are part of a unit and we are part of your unit.

The Light

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Shine Your Light!

Light is something that is within each of you and it must be allowed to shine brightly. You are not masters nor servants. You are each vehicles for the light to shine out into the world. Earthlings spend much time learning to dim their light but that is not the way of light. It is meant to be as it is and what it is. It simply is. It doesn’t think about how to be what it is. It only shines.

You must relearn to shine. Bring your brightness and power into all that you do. You will find you feel better and do better. It is simple. Never again allow others to make you feel small. Don’t accept that as a way of being. You are light and as such must Be! Know that your light will be specific for each of you. In that it is perfect. It has no one else to measure up to. You will venture forth as you are and accomplish your life work and mission just by using your gifts and talents and bringing them into the world.

Blessings of the Light!

Monday, December 19, 2011

New Beginnings!

Treat each day as a new beginning. Each day and each moment is a true celebration. This is an opportunity to recreate what is yours and what you desire. You are not victims of circumstances. You are not part of a cosmic joke. You are part of love and the creation process. You each play different roles in the foundations of all that is. You are granted each moment as a gift of love. Whatever experiences you may have, you are being given a gift within it. Start looking for that energy and see how your life opens up. Ask how you may be of service in each moment. Be open to the miracles all around you. If you don’t like something, understand how it serves you. If you understand how it serves you, see how it serves others. Then, once you garner this understanding, you may venture forth onto the next piece.

If it appears that something continually shows up in your life, you still may have some work to do with that piece. You may also have something to help another understand. Don’t assume you know the answer. Be open and be with each step in love and grace. You will never be disappointed for you are part of the miracles of each moment.

Noah and Yahweh

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Dear Ones,

Look at what symbols hold meaning for you. In many cultures, different life areas have corresponding symbols. There is a general consensus of what they mean so they were adopted to be utilized by the population to help them create. Each of you have symbols that mean something to you. Think about what you wish to bring into your life. What do you want more of? Surrounding yourself with images that invoke your desires will help program your mind and energy to that desire. If you see images that make you happy, you will resonate better with that happiness. If you see the energy of what you wish to explore, it will bring that energy to you. Find symbols that increase your resonance with your desires. This can only help align you with what is within you. As you are aligned you are closer to attracting your desire in your life.

You can reprogram yourselves to what you truly want. Start by clearing out things that are not in alignment and replacing them with symbols that are in alignment. The standard we see in most people is that they program themselves for what they don’t want instead of what they do want.

If you are going to make wishes that affect others, make sure you are not doing it for selfish reasons. If you pray for healing of another, make sure that is what is right for that person. You will find a better prayer is for whatever is right for the individual to manifest. Send love and support to others on their journey. Let their journey be as it needs to be for them. Concentrate on creating your own journey. That is a much better use of your time and energy. Parents, teach your children how to manifest their desires. Support them in their wishes and desires. Creating generations that are able to more consciously create for themselves will benefit many.



Saturday, December 17, 2011

Path of Growth and Discovery!

You are each on a path of growth and discovery. Even when you are not aware of what that means, you are still on that path. Phases and stages come and go as they are needed and required. You complete one aspect of your work and then proceed to the next phase. You will find there are twists and turns that await you in each moment. You are not stagnant, even when you feel stuck. You are of great light and potential. Your work and your path hold the keys to much in your journey on the earth and many other realities.

Take each piece as the wonderful gift that it is. Allow your power to shine and to surge forth. Know we beckon you onward. You are mankind’s salvation. You at this very moment hold the keys to development, growth and the future. Pay attention to what you are creating in your thoughts, minds and deeds. Waste not your energy on projects not of your intent or desires. Tune into what is within you and aligned with you. You will know how to proceed. That is the key to your transformation. Do not the work of others but of yourselves. Follow your own path and not the pathway of another. You are your own self for a reason. Pay attention. Wake up now and be who you really are!

Friday, December 16, 2011


Each phase that you are creating will serve a purpose. Not all things happen in each phase. You must learn to tune into the specific phase and ask it what it’s purpose is. Some phases may be just about clearing away something or parts of your life that no longer serve you. Some phases may be about bringing in certain aspects. If you learn to be with each phase, it allows the phase to create its purpose faster and then you may move onto the next phase.

Your lives are composed of many phases and stages. You must learn to work along with the phases or stages and not fight them. Each will serve you. Some stages are related to others. So, you are unable to move on until those who are connected move on. There are times you are solitary and times you are interdependent. Tune into each piece and ask how it serves you and what is needed for this part. Ask how you can assist and be willing to step back, when you need to get out of the way. You are not in control of all things that show up in your lives. You also have areas of your life where you need to step in and take more control. It all depends on the piece you are working on or that your teams are working on.


The Light

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Brothers and Sisters,

Let us speak of resources today. You will always have access to the resources that you require. When a resource seems to be missing or not showing up, it is because you are trying to do something that is not in alignment with what you are to do. For instance, when you are taking care of the needs of another that is not for you to take care of, you will feel a sense that something is off or realize that what you need to accomplish the task may be missing. There are times where you may need to do something but then the resources will show up with the individual you are helping.

You are on new ground now and the rules are changing. Try and not get caught up in the desires of others. There are times where people will ask you to intercede for them on a matter and then when you require their assistance to do what they requested, they will act as if they don’t know what you are talking about. Pay attention to this. You cannot help others unwilling to help themselves. People will spur you on to do something and then not back you up when it counts. This happens often in your realm. When this happens, be willing to walk away from the project that others have insisted that you do without their support. There will be enough for you to stand up for and do.


The Light!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Precipice of Changes!

We are in the precipice of changes right now. Some are meant to be part of these changes and others are meant to move on. There is no need to hold anyone back or in place. Each must follow their own path. People will come and go in your lives. This is nothing new. It is part of life. We realize that many of you need to mourn these changes but after you grieve the past, be open to the future.

You must learn to let go of what no longer works for you so that you have space for what does work for you. You can’t drag others with you. You must allow each to follow their own timing and directions. Whoever belongs with you, will show up. Trust this. You may need a period of time where you are left alone. So, don’t try and force new acquaintances. Allow the right people to show up. Trust what you sense and don’t try to read into things that are not there and force creations. All works out how it needs to work out.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Trust Your Intuition!

When you are picking up energy about someone, trust what you pick up. Outward appearances often seem to indicate one thing is taking place while your gut or intuitive voice is presenting other information. If you have a choice between trusting outward appearances or your gut, always choose your gut sense. By trusting your gut energy, you are trusting your intuitive voice and honing your radar sense.

All life forms have some intuitive guidance system. Humans have learned to not trust it but you need to get back to the place where you do trust it. It will serve you well in your lives and in your future. Sometimes, it is just a matter of waiting until the evidence reveals itself to you. Know this for it is better to listen to what you are receiving and not the energy that appears to be. We are seeking ways for you to know when you are protected and when you are vulnerable. As time progresses, this skill will be more important. So, pay attention.


The Godhead

Monday, December 12, 2011


Learn to set up intentions for meetings. For instance, if you are going into a situation you dread, set up the intention that everyone is respectful and honoring of each other. Create a shield for yourself where you are protected. If you are in a situation where someone may be dishonoring, it is permissible to send them back their own energy. You do not need to be a vessel for noxious energy. It is not for you to take in venom. If you do allow the venom to permeate you, make sure that you transmute and release that energy. You have no reason to hold onto it.

Be clear about what environments you are willing to be in. Know what is appropriate for you. You have no reason to be nice to toxic people, when you are in toxic environments. Set up the protection you require. We are not saying be mean to people because of bad situations. We are saying hold your boundaries for what is acceptable behavior. There is no reason to stay in a place where you are being abused. There is also no reason to allow others to abuse you. You are learning to stand up for yourself and your true path. Place your energy where you truly desire it to be. Know when you are wasting your energy and when you are heading towards your growth path. Be clear! Allow others to be responsible for their own behaviors, actions and choices.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Shine and Be Your Best!

Brothers and Sisters,

Unite! You are a bond of light and love. You are meant to shine your ways in the world. You are a species never before created. Many get stuck in conformity but that is not the gift of physicality. You have the sense of being separate because it allows you to venture forth in a very different way than you did when you lived in this world or sphere of existence with us. You have existed in other forms before. Each form and reality creates its own gifts and challenges.

Enjoy this form and this existence while you have it and can enjoy it. We would say the same for all forms and existences. You are watched over in all forms. Your ways are the ways of the light. Your power is the power of the light. Shine your energy out into your world in whatever form or existence you may partake in. Enjoy the ride. Work to create harmony and light in your own home and life. Stay away from vexing people and situations, when you can, and be truth when you must be in difficult surroundings. Be truth in all existences and forms, at all times.

Many have been taught to conform to the lowest denominator. That is not the way to raise the vibration. Be yourself in your finest glory. Rise to your best as much as you can. Stand in your own light and power. That helps move things along your evolutionary path.

Noah and the Light

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Life! What is it you would like to create? How would you like to make a difference in your world? What is the legacy you would wish to impart? Stand up for what you believe in. Set your intentions. Be the type of being you are proud to be. There is no reason to fear another for who they are or to allow them to intimidate you. You each hold great power. Those who need to force their will on others are not in their power or they would not need to force another into submission. Realize this information. Know you are responsible for the life and existence you wish to create.

For those of you who are light energies, you are in your realm to be of service in many different ways. The rules may seem different for each of you but you must hold your power and be the light and truth you were designed to be. In the past, you have relinquished your power so that others may take control. You may have assumed that those who tried to control you were in more power than you were. That was not true. You submitted to them because the world or community was not ready for what you had to offer. If you hold your power and gifts, you will never be forced into submission.

Be who and what you are meant to be. Be authentic and real. You have so much to offer the world but you can only do this, when you are willing to shine your light. First you must strip away the facades you have created. Remember who and what you are and the rest will be revealed.


The Light

Friday, December 9, 2011


Choose to be substance over façade. Too many of you will go for flash and appearances but you will have no foundation under it. When this occurs, people are more interested in appearances than having some depth. The depth will always serve you better.

We know there is a metaphysical teaching that has you act as if you have something. But that doesn’t mean buying stuff that is not in alignment. That means you are attuning your energy to your authentic, abundant self. You are shifting your own energy to be what it truly is and not what it has been conditioned to be to fit into other’s perceptions of what you are or should be.

Come from a sense of truth. Be real and be who and what you are. That will always serve you much better than any other sense of reality.



Thursday, December 8, 2011

What is Yours Is Yours!

When something is for you to have and the time is right, it will come to you quickly. There is no need to manipulate or try and force the creation. When something isn’t showing up in your life and you know it is something that is for you to have, it is because the timing isn’t right. You can’t really force a creation and expect it to work fluidly. You will find you may force it to manifest but there will be issues that arise when energy is forced and manipulated into being. When the timing is right, it will come to you quickly with no obstacles. It will appear like magic and it will be a perfect creation.

It is important that you each know that you will have what is yours. There will be times where you are asked to do something. Follow the directions as they come through and follow the direct guidance you receive. That is your part in the creation process. The rest is based on trust that everything happens perfectly. Learn to let go of trying to control the process. Trying to control something will not speed up the creation. Pay attention to what your teams ask you to do and when the requests come in. If you do as you are asked, you are going to find you are in alignment and creations will feel like magic. Your teams are listening to your desires and they know your path. All will be in Divine order.



Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Perceptions versus Realities

Blessed Ones,

Your perceptions are what you view as your realities. This is not always the case but this is how people operate. What you perceive, you also assume others perceive. What you think, you perceive other’s think. Not everyone thinks like you or perceives like you. Hence, you must be able to figure out how others perceive issues to help them work through issues. You must be aware that others think differently from you. There is an importance to this because it helps you understand what is happening in various situations and existences. Know this and understand it. It will help change your life.

Now, look for truth and not your perceptions. Go into the energy of what you are picking up and ask truth to be revealed, known and understood. How does this change what is taking place and how you interact with what is taking place? We are trying to show you where the true power lies. It lies in the core energy and in what is transpiring. It is not how things appear but what is the base energy at the foundation. Always look for this and it will take you beyond appearances and into the place of power.

Light and Love,


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Root Causes!

Blessed Ones,

Look at the root causes for anything that you see before you. Anytime you see something as a challenge or issue, there is a root cause. Many of you look at the façade as the piece to work on but that is not the part that changes anything or alters anything. In any healing, you must see what causes something and not go for your reaction. Your reaction shows you what is wrong or off. You might not even know what is really off, you only know it causes a reaction.

The healing must come from the core. You must address the source energy that creates the issue and not just look at the quick fix. Human medical systems go for symptoms and only address the symptoms. That again is not going for the core issue. Healing takes place like magic, once you understand what is taking place. That is also why you must understand how something serves before you can change it or alter it. Once the purpose is taken care of, energy transmutes automatically.

Attacking issues doesn’t create healing. You are only meeting what you perceive as violence with violence. Some of you take an area that needs healing and attack it. For example, those who fight cancer or some illness. Some fight the system. It feeds the problems and not the healing or changes when you attack issues. You see violence or the health problem expand when you attack it. Look at how you phrase things and you will understand better what you are creating.


The Light

Monday, December 5, 2011

Energy Flow

Your environments are changing. We know that many of you have studied Feng Shui and the art of energy flowing. Know that now this technique is shifting and evolving. Instead of going by compass directions or by the form of the space, tune into the space. You must work with the energy that is around you. Your space will help you understand how to utilize its energy and enhance your life areas. Your home, office or other environments may have life areas in all or parts of your space. Let you environment speak to you.

Feng Shui masters had tried to teach their people how to do this but found rules worked better for those unable to fine tune what was coming through. However, now you must learn to really check in with the space and see what is needed. There may be something that you personally need to have around you that will not fit with training of disciplines but it is required for your next phase. Follow what you pick up that you need around you and it will help you evolve and move forward. That is more important than rules created to serve some previous function. It may not make sense to you in the present moment but you will understand it at the appropriate moment.

Notice our theme with you is to really tune into what you are picking up. We want you to learn to trust your own intuitions.



Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Beginnings and Fresh Starts

New beginnings and fresh starts await you now. You hold the power to create something new right here and now. This is related to your commitments and your true desires. What will it be?

Spend some time this week and month on looking at rebuilding your life and your world. Some of you must follow the path you have agreed to but even you have your focus to help utilize your true desires and creations. If something is important enough to you, you will be able to create energy that is similar to your true soul desire. Just make sure you really desire it before you focus on manifesting it. We can find ways to help support each of your ways and desires and still have you create your true pathway.

There are just some things you think you want but you don’t really want them and they don’t really add to your life and journey. So, spend time with anything you think you want and see if it is a true desire. Find the root energy of whatever you state that you want. There is much to choose from.



Saturday, December 3, 2011

Temper Tantrums

When did you ever think it was acceptable to give someone having a temper tantrum their way? When children are out of control, they must go through their time of being in that state but you don’t feed that energy. When adults do the same behavior, you do not need to feed the energy. Remember what you put your energy towards expands. If a behavior is abusive or not acceptable, it may seem easier to give in but it doesn’t serve the betterment of any situation to do so.

Disengage with abusive behavior. Find something that is respectful and follow that energy. It is never from a higher perspective to be abusive or to allow anyone to abuse you. It only dims your own light. We are more interested in enhancing your energy than depleting it.


The Light

Friday, December 2, 2011

Energy You Desire to Create!

Be the energy you wish to attract. Focus on the energy and vibration of what you want in your life. If you want more money tune into the amount you wish to attract and create a similar vibration to that energy. If you want love or health, tune into the energy you wish to attract.

Many might say they want to heal but they put their energy into the problem and not the solution. If you get into the energy that causes you pain, you create more of that energy. You must learn to tune into the energy and vibration of what you want instead. Understand what is showing up but don’t belabor it. Your focus is your power. Your energy is your power but it relates to what you are truly putting your energy into. Your medical system is designed to handle crises but not wellness. To heal, you must see yourself as whole and healthy. If something is going on in your body, you must send it love and support. You must nurture yourselves to change what you consider being unwell.

Look at anything you want to create, then look at how you add energy to what you have. You will notice that your focus is not about what you want but what you have. You must change your thought patterns to create something differently from what you have. That is why you must learn to tune into the energy you wish and transform your energy into that desired energy.

You are powerful in your ways. Your focus has always been the key to change and creation. What you expect, you help create. What you allow, you aid in building. Think about this. Wouldn’t you rather spend your time in creating what you truly value and desire?


The Light

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Working with Your Teams!

How would people ask their teams how to better work with them? How would we garner what is right for our teams?

Brothers and sisters,

The answer to these questions is to invite our opinions into the mix. Many times humans will order their teams around. They forget we are beings who exist on other planes or dimensions. You are taught that we surround you and are there to help you but you forget we are full beings. We are not your servants and you are not our masters. We have chosen to be with and around you. You show us respect by including us in the process you are in. Ask us the better way to release. Ask us the better way to navigate a situation. Invite us into the mix. We seek to work with you in truth. Be open to what comes through. Don’t try and negotiate a different answer. Don’t allow your beliefs to cloud your judgments.

Be open to getting to know your teams. Be willing for us to come through on a personal level. Learn to be more respectful of those who have given service to you. Speak to us from your heart. Connect soul to soul with your team. Send love and transmit love to those who work with you.

Be at peace. Know you are part of something amazing and wonderful. Everything that shows up is part of that amazing miracle.


Noah and Yahweh

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Brothers and Sisters,

Don’t assume that you know the end result or what the process is about. Just follow the process. Don’t try and control the end result or the process. Instead, open to the process as you are directed by your team. Ask for directions or how to navigate whatever is coming through. Try not to buy into the energy that may surround you from outside sources or people with agendas. Agendas never really work. You are charged with many duties as a light being but they come through showing up and following the path before you.

Know that you are each placed in the path to do good, wherever you are. Many times, your work happens by just existing. Your light shines where you are and around you. Whatever needs to happen takes place by you being in the space you are in. Each of you must take responsibility for your own actions and behaviors. However, your work takes place by you showing up and following the guidance that comes from your teams and within you. Know this and really understand this.

Never assume you know from just a little piece of the puzzle. All you really know is the piece of the puzzle before you. Don’t assume that something you impose on your teams is okay without asking them. If you get an ambiguous answer, know that you have teams and your teams may have a better way of working with you than what you have established. You don’t know unless you ask for their input.


The Light

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Be Pro-active in Your Lives!

Rubber stamping approval to things without taking time with them is not a way to improve your quality of life. Be an active participant in your life and surroundings. Don’t let others do the work for you. Be pro-active in your own lives. If you have an opinion, express your opinion. Do not continue to let others take charge without giving input. In most cases, those in charge will welcome your input and incorporate it into the plan they are devising.

Too often people are apathetic and just allow others to handle things, until they are aware it affects them and then it is often too late for them to affect change. If you are proactive, you will be able to make the process work better all around. Look at your lives, homes and environments. Pay attention to the change you want to be and perceive in your life. The other observation is when people are apathetic, they then blame those who are proactive for not forcing them to be proactive. That is never your job to force another into taking charge. That is the responsibility of the individual. You are there to offer potentials. Each one of you must show up for your own life.


Monday, November 28, 2011


Greetings to all of you! We send you great blessings and welcome. This is a momentous moment where we come together in this one place of time and space. You are our heroes for you have chosen to be here in this great time of transition in your world. Your lives will undergo great changes now. What you have known before is no more. What you have taken at face value holds much more than what is on the surface. Before you judge anything, take a real concerted look at it. You will understand much more, once you have aligned with the energy and connected with it. Mankind often goes to judgment without understanding something. There has been too much of this energy in your world. It is time to move beyond it. Know something before you judge it. Seek your own path before you try to alter the path of another. Your judgments might be right for you but they are not always right for another. So, give space to what is before you and take time to understand what is happening before you proceed. You will always benefit from this approach.

Know the Universes are colliding now. This may seem scary but it is on an energetic sense. Much energy is blending with your own. You will derive great benefits from this change so allow it to take place without struggle.


The United Federation of Planets

Friday, November 18, 2011

Working Together

Brothers and sisters,

Unite in fellowship. Be one with each other and be kind and gentle with yourselves and others. You embark in family events and times with travel. Be patient. Know that you are each traveling together and with each other. Help each other each step of the way. Look for ways to help each other be successful. You will not regret this behavior.

You tried the thinking only of me way of life and it has created great troubles among mankind. You must alter that. You will find great wealth and riches are abundant when you stop looking at what is in it for yourselves. You may still be abundant as yourselves but you will also help others succeed in the process. You each have different desires so what is abundant for one is not necessarily abudance for all. There is room for independance. But rejoice in the success of each and all of you. Realize you are never alone and in working together you can accomplish much.



Thursday, November 17, 2011

To New Beginnings!

The end of time, the end of projects. Those are just a period where one thing ends and another piece begins. You are not locked into more than specific phases or periods of time. Many have worried about the end of days with 2012 approaching. This period of time is just the end of one phase and the beginning of another phase. In each moment there are many configurations that take place. Your stars align. Your galaxies align. Mankind is fleeting and your species exists as long as it needs to. Your souls reincarnate into different forms as they need to. You are not dependent on a specific species to carry on or to fulfill your destinies. Your current forms are merely your current forms and nothing more.

Mankind has long assumed superiority to other life forms but this is simply not so. Intelligence comes in many forms and variations. There are life forms with physical bodies and some without. That doesn’t diminish their abilities or intelligence. Keep that in mind the next time you judge another or assume you know better than another.

Leadership is not designed to take over for others. It is meant to serve others. How can you serve another without consulting with them. Imposing your will on another is not service. Imposing your will on another is about dishonor. When someone dishonors you, how does that feel? You must awaken now and pay attention to the master plan for each of you. This plan comes from honor. This has nothing to do with longevity or having a brief stay on your planet. Your wisdom must prevail. You must learn to seek answers to your specific journey and quandary. Stop assuming you know the answers. We give you information in pieces to reflect where you are in your phases. Take that on and don’t add to it, until the time is right. If you take each piece as it comes you will be magnificent and do stupendous things.

The Light

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Sometimes we ask you to enter into situations that seem like they may not be related to you or your path but if you stick with it and continue to ask for guidance, it will make sense. You might be asked to step in to help those not willing to help themselves. You might see situations where someone is placed in a position of perceived power and abuses power but they may be placed in that position to awaken others. You may then be asked to do something to restore the balance of power with others. There is a plan and that plan is to help others align to their pathway.

Each of you must awaken to your journey. It takes some of you longer than others and some are on pathways where they are utilized without knowing how they are utilized, even when they are ego based. It is their journey to undertake and there is no need to judge it. You may only need to adjust situations so that someone is no longer abusive towards you and your journey. You will know what to do and how to handle it, by just asking and paying attention.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Know When to Release Something!

Know when to let go of a project or situation. Many will hold onto projects and situations, even when all of the signs point to letting them go. You tell yourselves that there is no one to step in and take my place. You tell yourself that others need you but all the signs keep pointing to letting something go. Pay attention to this and let it go. If another person is needed in the mix, someone will show up. If the project needs to continue, someone will take over the project. Once you let it go, release the need to control how you think it should be done.

As you learn to release what you are guided to release, something will come in and replace your time and energy. It will most likely be replaced by something that is more in alignment for you than what you were doing. We see much resistance to letting go of things because people are not sure what will replace what they have released. Be assured something will replace what you were doing with something new. You have offers in formation that may not be able to manifest because of how you are spending your time and energy. The release opens up new doors, windows and opportunities. You are ready for something new and you must release the old for the new to come in. You must release what is not in alignment for you for what is in alignment for you to show up.

There are many new things awaiting you now. Take the time to release what needs to be released. Clear a pathway for what is now to come.


Monday, November 14, 2011


Serenity! That is our word for this day. Find peace within each of you. Attune to serenity and peace. This is a place within you where you will find yourself happy and in the flow. Learning to flow with what shows up will help you manifest and create. You will no longer need to hold onto specifics of how things need to be or should be. The place opens up for miracles and majesty. All works out just as it needs to. You get to create fluidly from your desires and intentions. There is no need to worry about how, when and why. All of the processes work out perfectly and in Divine order. Keep dreaming and creating. It is well worth it for all of you.

Be at peace and serene! See what comes from this energy and you will be amazed at how much simpler your lives become.

The Light

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Light

I am the Light, I come to you through vast space and time dimensions to help usher you into a new way of being on the earth. You will soon be asked to shed the past and open up to the new ways before you. This process is simple and requires little help from you. You have only to be willing to try something new and be willing to move forward into your futures.

Your world has chosen its path and this will set things into motion. Many of you were placed here in this time and place to assist those who are ready to transcend. Others were placed here for potentials of what is to come. Your missions are adjusted based on how things progress. We have escape plans for those who may require them.

Many of you have different skills, which may be utilized in many ways. Your skills will be used as needed. Many of you have awaited this time period patiently. You have seen many distractions which have kept your busy or have taken you off course. Now is a time to focus towards your real missions and purposes. We will initiate you and return you to you light work, when you are ready to proceed. You have only to agree and we will back you up. The help is around you. You have only to okay the process of preparation and we shall join you and begin our work together. This is a decision that will change your lives from what you have known to the unknown. Before you say yes, realize you may not stop this process, once it begins. So, think about what is right for you before you agree to this now and forever.


The Light and The Godhead

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Each person has their own process and that is how it should be. You must respect that each of you needs to learn and experience in your own ways. Try and not impose your process on another and let them do their own process as they need to.

We also want to remind some of you and teach others that when you say positive loving things to others, their energy grows. When you say nasty or biting things to others, their energy shrinks. Be aware of this for it is important and it allows you to know that you all have great impact on others. Would you rather be in the group that raises the vibration or the group that lowers the vibration? You do have many choices to make. You have more power than you realize.


The Light

Friday, November 11, 2011


If you are putting something out in the form of a prayer, we will answer you. If you put out communications with us, we will answer you. There are situations where something comes through and you find it disruptive but it may still be the answer to what you asked for. To accomplish certain things, you will need certain skill sets to do a good job with them. We may then create what needs to happen with those skill sets. You are being prepared for the work or the answer that you asked for.

If you feel overwhelmed with the answer, ask for help. You do not have to do anything alone. There are some things you must do in the form of training but help is around you at all times. Don’t panic after something shows up. Breathe and ask the best way to navigate what is showing up. You will be shown the way. We will help you understand the outcomes and why they must be. The lessons may not be yours alone to learn. So, you may gleam what you need but the other people may not get their lessons in the events. We create multi level solutions for you.



Thursday, November 10, 2011

Receiving Information!

How can people get better information and clearer information from their guides and teams?

We are with you in all ways. We start with your senses. Pay attention to what your senses tell you. Focus on opening your senses and allow other feelings and perceptions to come through. Look at your strengths. We will start with that. We also need to come through when you are open to receiving the information we send you. You must suspend disbelief. You must open your insights. The key is being open in all ways.

If you are not sure, ask for clarity. We are looking for ways to communicate with you. We are also looking for your feedback to know where you get off from what we transmit. The whole communication is about us learning to work together. So, the more you give us feedback, the more we fine tune what comes through. When it appears you are getting the information accurately, we don’t go on from there. When you are not understanding us, we will continue to work with you and continue to get information to you. So, give us your feedback of what is working and what is not.

Your Teams

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dealing with Abusers!

How would you deal with someone who is abusive or in a position of power who is disrespectful?

The short answer is we wouldn’t deal with this individual, group or system. Abuse is not power. Abusive people are disconnected from their power so they feel the need to control or manipulate others. If you take away attention to them, they loose their power. It is like working with a spoiled child with a temper tantrum. The more energy you give them the worse the tantrum becomes. When you pull away attention from the negative behavior, you take away the energy fueling their outburst.

You must make sure you are safe from the abuser so that they don’t do any violent action to physically harm you. This might mean you need to physically remove yourself from the environment that the abuser is in. The abuser perceives that you are weaker than they are. That is not true. You may believe you are but you aren’t. Abuse is never okay. There is always an option to get you out of the situation. When you hold your power, no one has power over you.

Give the least amount of energy that you can to dealing with abusers. Block their energy. If you have trouble with this enlist the help of your teams and guards to help you navigate this. We will gladly come in and assist you. You are meant to have lives of love and support. The other aspects people accept from others are their choice but not a requirement from other realms. We wish lives of love and joy for all of you. We would never want you to suffer or be in pain. The energy of pain and suffering is manmade from their thoughts and beliefs. We created a world with abundance for all of you.



Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I was asked about being in relationships when you know that they are not your true partner but they serve a function in your life or keep you company. So, I put that up to my group to what they have to say about that.

When you invest in others who you know do not belong with you in an intimate relationship, you are saying that you don’t trust that we have something better in store for you. It may take up your time and energy and you may feel it meets personal needs but yet you keep both partners in the relationship from being with someone who is aligned with them. We realize that it may take a long time to find the person because many of you have been taught to take what shows up instead of waiting until the person intended for you shows up. So, you are each going into relationships and ultimately blocking or stopping your intended partner from showing up.

It is often better to be alone and work on cultivating yourself than finding a partner to just have one. Each of you must decide what path you will take in your relationship journey. Just realize when you do this, you are putting what is right for you on hold or possibly preventing it from taking place. When we bring you together, we will do it in a way that is in integrity and honoring for all parties concerned. You will not be brought together with a married partner or someone in a committed relationship. You must both be available. The timing has to be right. If you have a desire to be in a committed, loving relationship, then there will be one that shows up at the right time. So, there is no reason for concern.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Service to Others versus Control of Others

I was looking at a lot of situations where people are more interested in holding power over others instead of looking at what is good for people. It amazes me how many people get the lime light who are really focused on what is in it for them. People vote for them and put them in power positions.

I was thinking how much better things would be if we would use the litmus test of making decisions based on people who focus on making things better for others. There is no need to change rules unless you can change them to something that is beneficial for society or whomever the leaders serve.

There is plenty of prosperity for everyone. There are many opportunities for everyone. We are not stuck in limitations, unless we wish to be stuck in limitations. Most people find ways to do what they really want to do. We no longer need the manipulation or force techniques to make others do things. If we start looking for ways to help each other thrive, we can really make a difference. We need to be able to look out for each other. We often jump to conclusions about others but we never bother to take the time to find out what is happening and then find a way to help out or support each other.

So, my challenge to you is to start looking at what you can do to help improve the quality of life for someone or something outside of you. Remember to ask the person or be open to them asking you for help. I try to do this every day.

I will get off of my soap box now!



Sunday, November 6, 2011

Create the Life to Support Your Talents!

None of you need to live or work in a toxic environment. None of you need to live or work in abusive situations. Those are all choices that you each make. There may be souls that decide to experience such an existence but it only exists because you have not said no to it. If communities or people allow others to walk all over them, it is their choice. There is always something that can be done. You are seeing this in areas where people who were ruled by dictators have stood up and said no. They may have had to fight to make the change but it all changed when the people stood up and said no.

We do not condone violence. We would love to see humans eliminate war and such ways of working through things but there are also times where you must use armies to precipitate change. It is preferred to see the change through peace but we also realize the dictators often use violence to suppress others and the only way to gain control is through eliminating the violent force or dictator. If change takes place in this fashion, make sure it is not one dictatorship changing to another dictatorship. Violence and fear need to stop as ways of ruling the people. You must stand up to the bullies to make a change but do not then make that your way of life.

We wish for all of you to have lives that reflect your gifts and talents. We wish the best for all of you. Whenever you call for our help, we will come to you and help you create through possibilities instead of limitations.


The Yahwehs

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Blessings! You are learning and growing. Petty men and women are not the focus. Finding ways to occupy your time is not the answer either. You are each fantastic. You each have gifts and a treasure trove of light. The time you have on the earth is not the focus either. It is what you do with that time. What type of person do you wish to be? What is the legacy you wish to leave? Do you wish to be the solution or the problem? You get to decide. How would you influence others? That is far more important then playing life safely.

You each must decide that and form your lives accordingly. It matters not if you have one day or many years on the earth. You will be enduring. You have no need to fret or worry about what is to come. Live your lives with courage and conviction. That is how it is meant to be. Stand in your power and take the stands that feel right to you. It is time.

Many people step back and allow others to stand in for them. Don’t be one of those people and if you are one of those people don’t complain about how the world is. For you are helping shape the world by action and inaction. You decide!


Friday, November 4, 2011

Dealing with Bullies

When you are dealing with the energy of bullies, hold your power. Step back and ground yourself. The bully has no power or they would not need to persecute others or manipulate situations in their favor. They feel unstable and not fit to make decisions. They run on ego and emotions and try to make others unstable too. They are not connected to their soul purpose or their contract with others. They just look for ways to connect with others in a dysfunctional way through some form of domination.

Now is not the time to give over to such energy. You must grant them the path they are pursuing but connect with your inner self and stay away from them, whenever possible. If you have any issues with how to proceed in anything, make sure you tune in with your groups. You have no need to worry or concern yourself with such behavior. You have to monitor yourselves and how you conduct yourselves. That is your focus. There are times you must address bullies but you do not need to step into their energy and spend a lot of time with them. Your teams will provide you with protection, if you invite your teams in. You will be guided on how to navigate such behaviors and situations.

All works out how it must but ask for help and it will be granted. Don’t assume your job is to fix the bully or spend a lot of energy with them. If you are guided to do so, then really pay attention to the messages coming through with the contact. Most bullies have been bullied themselves and are just passing the energy on but that doesn’t heal anything. It only perpetuates the victim story.



Thursday, November 3, 2011

Tune In Before You Decide!

As the land reconfigures and changes, look at what you are creating. There will be many areas that are devastated by destruction of property. Before you agree to rebuild, check in and see if you should stay where you have been. There are areas we wish to be left uninhabited. Before you rebuild or commit to staying where you have been, check in. Make sure it is not time to move on to another place.

You may have been in that area for the time you needed to be there. It may be time to start over without burdens or belongings. There will be stages where you will all need to start over. Simple is better. Learning new priorities is important.

A society that is only based on how much stuff you can accumulate and what new inventions you can accrue, will not teach you what is of value. The real value is not in the belongings but in the connections you make with others. How do you help others? How do you improve the lives of others? Going through life with how you touch lives with love, dignity and compassion will take you much further than focus on belongings. This doesn’t mean you can’t be abundant and wealthy but it means that you must get your priorities straight and know what is truly important. If you have lovely possessions, make sure they are things you value and enjoy instead of things you collect because you think they would impress others. Your focus needs to be on what is important to you. Look for reasons to extend yourself to others. Share your light in the world. Instead of looking for ways to zing or attack others, how can you assist others and learn about them.

We see many trying to gain land because they want to own something and deny use to others. They are not looking at being good stewards of the land. You must all learn to work together and share the bounty provided on the earth. For the bounty is the earth’s to give and share. You may be instrumental in the creation of something but in the end, you will go with just your spirit intact. Development of your spirit is primary. Enjoyment of your experiences on the earth are important. Your legacy is up to each of you.

Notice none of this is about poverty consciousness. Abundance takes many forms. We are just asking you to re-evaluate your definitions of abundance to something beyond ownership.

The Light

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lighten the Load!

We have caught many of you off guard with the ways changes are taking place. You are not going to need much to move into the future. We are having you lighten your loads and release a lot of the items you have held onto. The old energy is moving away and new energy is forming. It is not what you envisioned.

As you lighten the load and release what is no longer needed, you will find you have more energy. We realize that this stage may seem emotional for many of you because you are being asked to release stuff and being asked to move forward into time and space with just yourselves or very limited belongings. You may feel like you are refugees who are being asked to start over. In essence, you are starting over. You are in new beginnings. You may grieve or mourn your old lives as they are no more. However, you are ready for something much more expansive.

At this stage, we are removing any blocks from your success. We are simplifying your personal worlds. This phase has little to do with how much you own or how nice your belongings are. There is little you need now. All that you require will come through you. The baggage often gets in the way. You no longer need it. You are ready to progress without it. Whatever you require will show up as and when you require it. We can now hold your hands because you have free hands to hold. All burdens are released and you are ready to be the adventurers you are.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

See, Feel, Commit, Trust

In the beginning of September, I saw a movie called Seven Days in Utopia. One of their focal points was SFT (See, Feel, Trust). This was a technique to help someone visualize the end result. My group came through with a variation of that. There focal point was SFCT (See, Feel, Commit, Trust). See the vision of what you want to create. Feel the energy of what you want to create. Commit to the creation or manifestation. Then, the last piece is trust, which also goes to surrender.


The next piece for today is to recognize that all things that are have some form of spirit or living energy to them. Even things you view as inanimate have a spirit to them. Humans are used to imposing their will and desire onto everything. There is never a thought to check in with the other energies you are affecting or imposing your change on. If you are going to paint your home, consult the house with the color choices. See what colors the house wants and not just the owner. When you paint rooms in your home, consult the room. We know this might seem crazy to you but we are asking you to enlist the area to be painted to see what it wants or needs. By doing this you are aligning with the energy of the space.

When you are landscaping, invite the yard in to help you design something that works for everyone. If you live in a Home Owner Association, the land will consider what needs to happen with that also. So, don’t assume you know what the land wants. When you move into a home, ask for permission to live there. Start learning gratitude for all that you engage in and with all that you interact with. The land has many unseen energies on it. Start engaging more with your environments.

We are trying to get you to move beyond your ego-selves, in making decisions. Wake up to the knowledge that there is more that exists than what you know and that there is much you do not see or hold awareness over. The more all forces work together, the better result for your earth.


The Light

Monday, October 31, 2011


All Hallows Eve is a time of the veils thinning. You are at a place between realms and dimensions where you may straddle the worlds and the worlds may straddle with you. This is a time of coming together between the seen and unseen. This is a collective party between all that is around you. Know this and try and celebrate with all that is around you. Take time to enjoy this. Be near us and commune with us. There is much growth in what takes place during this festival.

The ancients were aware that something magical happened on this day. Modern society gets the fun in this holiday but there is also something holy about what takes place. This year, have fun with the costumes and candy but also spend some time connecting to what is sacred in this moment. Look beyond what you have been taught of this day and see what presents itself. There is nothing to be scared of. Look to the sacred.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Divine Order

Know that all is in divine order. It all works out according to plan. We see humans who are stuck in ego who come in and try and muck up the plan but the plan will always win out. The timing may be changed or adjusted based on how humans interfere with what needs to happen. In the case of light workers, there are many times where ego based people show up and put a block or interference on something because they have no clue about what they are doing or what their action will do to others.

When you find this type of thing happening in your life or world, step back, breathe and ask for guidance on how to be with the energy and how to navigate it. We will show you what to do and then help you get back on track faster. Those who are tuned in do not have the luxury now of disconnecting from the path. You must stay on course and your teams will help you with whatever needs to happen with the least amount of stress.

The Light

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Within the parameter of home, each of you needs to find what gives you comfort. Your home should be a place where you can relax and be yourself. You should be able to be open and relaxed. When you live in environments where you feel that you must be on guard each moment, you are not truly at home.

Envision the type of home that would make you happy. What do you want with relationship to friends, family and environment? Do you want a porch or some land around you? We may need you to live in a certain area of the country, state or world but within that you can have many things that will help you to do the work you are meant to do and live the life that you are meant to live. Find and create what works best for you.

If you hate being in an area, there are probably other areas around you that you might enjoy. We may tell you which city or community to live in but it is up to you to find something within those parameters that works well for you. We are working with you to help you do your best. Being in a comfortable environment will only help you do better work and live a more fulfilling life.


The Godhead

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sin versus Love

For those of you who still believe in sin and look at others and yourself as sinful, know that we of the other realms and dimensions do not view you as such. You were each created out of a force of love. You are cherished and admired by many who would gladly experience your world in physical form. The joining in sex of two consensual beings is a gift. It allows you to explore passion and uniting with another being. We care not if it is male/female, male/male or female/female. We do emphasize consensual and not imposing yourself on another being. This joining should not be based on fear or domination. It needs to be a dance of love and caring for each other.

Your thoughts are not sinful. Thoughts are a place for you to try something out in your mind without judgment. When you do acts meant to harm another this is not a sin but a choice that is not in the best interest of all concerned. There are better choices to be with others. Anger, resentment and other thoughts you view as negative are still experiential feelings. These feelings stem from fear based ways. You feel disconnected or a sense of separation and desperation or you would not harm another being.

Our goal for you is to learn through love, kindness and compassion. Each of you has your own goals and must learn in your own ways. You have many chances to learn and evolve. We hope that you reach our goal sooner rather than later but we also have great patience for your evolutionary system. If you stop looking at everything as sinful, you will be on the road to learn in joy, delight, respect, honor and compassion for yourselves and others. Keep remembering that love is the base for all things.



Thursday, October 27, 2011

Unique System!

Each of you is your own unique system. You will fuel your system differently from others. You will hold likes, dislikes and your own unique perspective of viewing life and the world. Part of your journey, in the physical, stems from all of the beliefs you accrue and your understanding of your physical system and world. There are phases where you shift and what once worked no longer works. Many of you are experiencing this now. As you learn to adapt to your new forms or shifts and changes you learn from this physical phase also. Adaptation and willingness to release what no longer works in favor of what is for you and what does work now is how humans and other species will learn to survive. For those who are caught in your loop of belief systems and not able to adapt, change or grow, you will eventually no longer be able to sustain life in your current form. Trying to control your environment around you and the people in your lives will never work. It may be something you try but we hope that you realize that each of you must learn in your own ways.

We ask you to learn to look at the world through other perspectives. Attune to others. Learn to feel what they feel. Learn to view things or experience how they are to be. This may be something other than who or what you are now. Be willing to understand other view points. Use your abilities with empathy to attune to other situations. Do this without fear and do this with respect, love and compassion without judging the others. This ability to tune into others is not meant to be invasive or to harm another. It is for you to learn compassion for all life and all ways. This is about you gleaming understanding of others and what they experience. You might find something in some other life form that adapts well to your own life and helps you grow and learn. We always ask you to release what doesn’t work for you. You must learn what does work for you and create space for what does work for you.


The Universal Council of Light

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Find Your Own Truth!

When people teach and write books, they are teaching or writing about what they know, believe and what works for them. This may be different when people are intuitive and psychic but most humans don’t tune into that energy when they share information. Some do extensive research before promoting beliefs. Some just utilize what they have learned from their own experiences.

We wish for you each to find your own truth. This is the energy and answers that come within you. Some energies are able to look within you and see your truth and that is how we endeavor to help you. No matter what is presented to you, you must source what is within you. Always do this. Check in and see what comes through you and resonates with you. It is time for the individuals to be empowered and connected to their true energy and source energy. That is where you will find your answers and live your best lives.

We council you against using manipulation to get what you want or think you deserve but we know many have used this model throughout the centuries. When you are truly aligned you will come from true power and will no longer need to subjugate another or control or manipulate another. You will manifest beautifully in ways that are good for all concerned and the land. However, not everyone is on that path so they may need to go through a process that fits their beliefs. There is more than enough space for all to experiment with the creation process. The point is for you to each find the ways that you must learn and experience. If the ways of others don’t work for you, find a group or people whose path does work for you. Create your own path. You are never stuck or limited, unless you choose to do that or live that way. You have always had a multitude of choices to make.

If you get stuck, we are happy to help you, If you need to work through something on your own, we are happy for you to do so. We support your individual journeys.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Labels for Energies We Work With!

I was working with my energies and they told me that I no longer have guides. They gave me another term for the energies who work with me and gave me the subtle differences between them and guides. I was noticing that a similar phenomenon was happening to some others whom I worked with. That doesn’t mean this applies to everyone but it might help you to tune into your group and ask them how they would define themselves. Ask them how that will apply to your work and development. Some of you may still have guides. Some of you may have beings identified as teams, councils, advisors, mentors or something else.

Pay attention to how your groups define themselves. It will help you in your work with them. Some of them may have names and some of them may work as collectives. We are branching out beyond what we were taught in the metaphysical world. Each must tune into who and what works with you and how they wish to be identified. Developing better ways to respect your energies will only enhance your work with them. If they identify themselves as guides, that doesn’t mean anything is wrong. We are all working on different systems with our teams. I just want to open the possibilities that you may be on a different system than the norm we have been taught in the past.



Monday, October 24, 2011

Reawaken Yourself!

Who are you? What are your gifts and talents? When you were born, you organically knew this. You were driven to be who and what you were. You have talents now but you often discount them because they don’t fit into the you that you believe society needs you to conform to. Your soul has other ideas. Take some time and tune into your soul. Ask what wants to come through you and be you. What is it that you possess that no one else possess on your planet. One of the beautiful pieces of being physical is that you get to be individuals. Your body is your instrument to roam through your world. Your body and spirit combine to make you unique. There is no need for you to fit in and conform. You have done this in the past to protect you from past lifetime events. Hold our own power.

Whatever is unique about you, is what you are meant to cultivate. Bring that out into your world. By being who and what you are, you will fulfill your destiny. You will be the answer to some question about existence and you will navigate the world with your unique view. Your answers lie in being who and what you are. If you don’t like some aspect of your life, look at that aspect and see if you adopted it to please another or to fit into your surroundings. It is time to strip away the false you and find the real you. Your life will flow much better, once you do.



Sunday, October 23, 2011

Light in Dark, Dark in Light

Light in dark and dark in light. It is the symbol you view as the yin/yang symbol. Humans associate light as being good and dark as being evil. The dark is avoided while the light is sought. This does not follow in true logic. You live in the world of duality. You appreciate light more when you have dark. There is nothing to fear in either energy.

True, that many things may hide in the dark but that is not always a bad thing. All is revealed when and how it needs to be revealed but there may be times that something needs to be dormant and protected in the dark. There are times when people need to hide aspects of themselves. It allows them to work on pieces without having to justify everything to others. Sometimes things must just be and the dark protects them or hides them for their safety.

The light shines into the dark and reveals what needs to be revealed. It is not intended to force something into the light before it is ready to be shown. Light simply shines out into wherever it exists. It holds the potential to see but if something is too bright, you do not see what is within the light either. This is not a bad thing. It shows you that energy and knowledge can hide in either light or dark. Something can be right in front of you and you don’t understand it or perceive it.

Don’t fear anything that shows up in your life. Explore whatever presents itself to you. Know that there is much in all energy and there are miracles and wonders in all that is. Take steps to be with energy. Don’t feel a need to change something because it causes you to go out of your comfort zone. Understand the energy as it is. Whenever you look at something and spend time with it, you and the energy will be altered. There is much in this and other worlds that you don’t understand but it all holds value. Protect its right to exist. Don’t force change so that you feel comfortable. Find what works for you and create your life on that but let others create lives that reflect what they need and what is right for them. Just because you see something in the dark or light doesn’t mean it needs to conform to your will. It serves a purpose or it would not exist. Don’t assume you know what something is there for. Before you judge something, spend time with it. You may be surprised by what you learn.

The Light

Saturday, October 22, 2011


There are times that we will ask you to make a change or do something differently from your normal patterns. As you go through changes and transformations, you will find your patterns change and what you need to do will shift and change.

If there is a change that you want to make about something related to yourself, tune in and see what the energy is like for whatever you want to take on. Then attune to that energy. It will help you change because new patterns require different behaviors and a different process. How you do things may alter to help you bring in the changes taking place. If you want something different, you must be willing to do things differently.

The Light

Friday, October 21, 2011

Realigning Energy

In this new phase, we may ask you to do a bit of realigning energy. You might find that furniture moves and items come and go. This is because the energy around you must support what is going on with you. As you change so does your environment and space. This is just the part of energy alignment.

Your teams will do much of the work shifting the energy. You will need to do the work on the physical level. Items will come and go. The space will be reconfigured on many levels. Allow this to take place. Work with us and it will help speed up the shifting taking place.


The Yahwehs

Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Work/New Phases

You are in the throws of new work and new phases. You are in a phase that is not known and has no history to help you with. So, we wish to help you move past the old ways. Keep being open to what is coming through and you will do beautifully. We trust that you are ready for the new challenges. You have all been doing work on various levels to get you to this next piece.

Some energies coming through may be from realms you have learned about and some may not be. The veils are changing and energies are coming through from realms and dimensions that have thus far been unknown to mankind. As they come through to work with you, you may even be the first to work with these beings. This is not to appeal to your ego but to help you understand what is coming through. Whatever energy comes through to you will be perfect for what you are meant to do, being prepared to do or for some other purpose. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone to create this work. You will be happy that you did.


The Yahwehs

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Energy, Frequency and Vibration

As your energy shifts and changes so will your frequency and vibration. This may feel to you that something is off but you need to stay with the energy shift. You might feel like your molecules are speeding up or you might feel dizzy when this is taking place. Check in with your teams to make sure that your vibration is shifting. It might help if you eat some protein to help ground you or you might require more rest. Stay with the shifting and relax. It is helping you evolve and is not a medical problem. If you are feeling that you need a doctor and you have checked in with your teams to make sure that your vibration is not being adjusted and they say no you are not being adjusted, then you should be checked out. When this is happening because of your energy adjustment, no medical condition will be found. This adjustment will take anywhere from a week or two. The timing depends on how quickly you assimilate the new frequency. Stay open with the process. Ask for any help you might require. Be gentle with yourself in this energy transference period.

After this energy shift takes place, you will notice changes in eating and diet. Your body may require some rest to assimilate or you might just be ready to go to the next phase. Your senses will shift and change during this period. There will be variations with all of you in your own processes.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


We have mentioned before that as your energy evolves and your energy changes so will some of your teams. This is what will help support your work and shifts. So, although it is nice that you form attachments with your guides, give the new teams a chance. You will form attachments with them also. Know that we are not beings of ego so we come and go as we are needed and will change and evolve based on your needs. We know that when our assignments are over with you, that some other energy will come in and work with you. It is all how it needs to be.


The Godhead

Monday, October 17, 2011

Source True Desires!

We ask that each of you learn to really source your true desires and wishes for your lives. Realize that many of you have agreed to specific purposes and you will have to adhere to how your teams guide you. We are hoping to give you the skills to create consciously and from a place of honor and integrity before you each go in your own directions.

We will continue to give ideas to those who seek our help. As you understand the commonality in our suggestions, you will be able to put together systems that work for you. You will be able to move forward and know you have all the support and love that you require to succeed. We always wish the best for you and we continue to support wherever your journey’s take you.

Different groups may show up at different phases. Whoever is with you, will be perfect for your needs. Trust help to always be there for it always will. You have all that you require to navigate your personal lives and your professional lives. Just always remember to ask for help and it will be provided as needed. There are some steps we cannot do for you but we will always be with you.


The Noahs

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Authenticity and Power!

In keeping with the desire to help you create an intention of coming into your power and being authentic, we will offer his prayer for you.

Dear Creator,

Help me to be authentic and aligned with my true energy. Help me to create a life that is authentic to me. Help me to create from this authentic place. May I always be in alignment and grounded. May I be a force of good and truth. May I live in my highest ideals and create from that place.

Thank you for all the help I receive in this endeavor.


You get the idea. Look at whatever you wish to create and create your own prayers. Speak from your heart. Speak to whomever you view as the Divine force of creation. Your prayers are heard. They are not affiliated with any religious belief but from the Divine that holds love for all of you. We are here to help those who would ask for our help. Notice all of these prayers are based on your desires for yourself and not your desires for what others should do or how others should be. Each must make choices for themselves. It is the way it must be.


The Godhead

Saturday, October 15, 2011


For those who need help reconnecting with what you find enjoyment in, we offer this for you.

Dearest God,

Please help me to remember what gives me passion and joy. Help me to re-create my life around passion and joy and help me to appreciate every minute of every day and night. Let me create my life around my gifts and talents and to find pure joy in sharing those talents with the world.

Thank you! Amen!

You may change the word God for anything that relates to the energy of the great creator for you. Find ways to adjust what we give you to work for you. We do not ascribe to religion but to helping you with energy that helps you find yourself and come into a more joyful and powerful life.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Pleasure! What does that mean to you? How can you create more pleasure in your day? How can you find more ways to enjoy your day and all experiences in your day? Start really looking at each moment as a pure gift that you have been granted. Find ways to enjoy each moment. Find ways to find pleasure in those you associate with and those you meet. There are many beings in your world. If you don’t like someone, you can find someone else whom you do enjoy. If you don’t like one type of work, you can find another. There has to be something that gives you pleasure and that you enjoy. Create lives where you at least enjoy and find pleasure in the bulk of what you do and who you are. You can find pleasures in all aspects of life. That is something you should all aspire to. Remember we want you to rebuild on a foundation of love and joy.



Thursday, October 13, 2011

Images of Transformation

What are images of transformation that you are drawn to? What does transformation mean to you? There are many stages to your growth and transformation. Open up to what you require to help you with this process. Look for what will support your own growth. There is a bridge from the old to the new. The image that leads you to the change is what you will soon surround yourselves with.

Attune to your core sense of power. Let that radiate within and around you. You will find it is unique and different for each of you. Pay attention and follow your inner voice’s guidance.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Are you receiving messages about taking a class or researching an area of energy? Are you being drawn to certain images or symbols? If so, you are being guided to learn about something that will help you in your future work. You might be drawn to certain energy because it will help you transform. There is much in the worlds right now. We ask that you be willing to step into your futures and learn or relearn what you need to help support your changes.

You may find that what you need to learn is not in your realm yet. If that is the case, you will be downloaded with the information your require. It is how it needs to be. So, pay attention and follow the directions coming through to you directly.

You might be given information to help you garner new interests. If that is the case, you will find the information or new interests invaluable.

The Light

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Form and Changes

Shapes and forms are only illusions. They are designs to help you with a specific part of your missions or experiences. They are not fixed and are able to mutate and align. When you are going through a process of re-creation, you may also re-create your form. The shifts come from loosing your attachments that relate to what you perceive as your self image. How you identify with your physical form holds a lot of power. You have abilities to alter what you have come to perceive as your self image. The power to change is within each of you. Look at what goes into creating you as you are. Then, look at what would need to happen to help re-create your form to what you desire. It is not difficult. Change just requires you to reprogram yourself to what you desire, instead of what you perceive you have or don’t have.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mastery of Illusion!

Mastery of illusion. You have lived in a realm that is based on illusion and you have come to just take things for what you perceive them to be. There is much variation in your world. How would you perceive it? Look beyond what you perceive as reality. Attune to what is before you and then go into what it really is.

You know that when you listen to people or take on what they tell you that words and actions don’t match. It often confuses many of you. However, it is part of illusion. It gives you the sense of a smoke screen. Go beyond the smoke screen and you will see a world that is completely different from what you have taken as truth and fact.

Manifesting and creating comes through to those of you who know how to align with energy and thus create that energy. Learning to vibrate at the frequency and resonance of what you desire will garner you great results.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Brothers and Sisters,

Now is a time to unite in a bond of fellowship for mankind is ready to move forward. We ask you to bond with those of the light who have missions to pursue on your earth plane. Support each other on your different missions and paths. We do not ask you to bond together as a way of keeping each other in place. We ask you to be an understanding ear for those who go out into the world as they are guided to do. Your time of isolation is either at an end or soon to end. You will recognize fellow light beings in the world.

Just offer them a kind word or a place to share their experiences. You each must pursue your own paths, at this time. So, you will not be locked into any one, two or three groups. You will be moving forward into your own destinies. When a fellow being of light shows up around you, give encouragement to each and all who show up.

There will be a time when the earth has many light beings out working. This is not that time. You are still in the minority. So, when you connect with someone on a similar path or destiny, make time to enjoy the time you have together. You will find that time together quite valuable.

The Light

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Peace Be With You!

Peace be with you my brothers and sisters. Find the light within in you. Find the sense of peace within you. Find your center. You are blessed with much and we grant you peace.

Hold your center while all else undergoes whatever needs to take place. Hold your sense of peace, while all else undergoes whatever needs to take place. You have done your work. You are now ready to commence to the next level. Find your place of higher understanding. You are ready to start all the work you have committed yourselves to over the past few years. Start with each step and allow that to take place. You are truly ready for what needs to happen. You have been training to be leaders. Before you laugh at that, you do not need to have followers to be leaders. We know many of you have been isolated. You have been taught to take the plunge into the next phase. While you were doing your work others were existing on another level. So, realize when you are called to lead or take charge, you are up for the challenge. We have faith in you.

The Teachers of the Light

Friday, October 7, 2011


God, grant me the presence of mind to be of service in a big way! Help me to know when to step in and when to step away! Help me to navigate whatever is before me with grace, dignity and compassion. Please watch over me and take care of all of my earthly needs and requirements. Let me be of honor, respect and compassion in all that I do.

If I utilize resources, let me be appreciative of all that I have. If I use the service of another, let me be honoring, respectful and appreciative of those services and grant me the resources to more than pay for the services rendered in a timely manner. Let me be abundant in all ways.

Please, help me to travel in this and all realms and dimensions with respect and honor and compassion. Let me leave each place better off than when I first entered any place or situation. Help me to truly be of service where I am and wherever I end up.

(Know that it is time for you to bring a clear focus and intention to your day and each moment. We give you this prayer so that you may learn the value of respect, honor and compassion to whatever you are involved in and with. If the name God is something that doesn‘t work for you in a prayer, change the name to reflect what you align with.)

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Wallow no more. You are not victims of some cosmic scheme. Feel no pity for yourselves. You are great adventurers willing to go into the unknown. This is where you are. You are traveling to a place in history that no one has gone before. The story is not written or truly prophesized. You are in a place where the outcomes are not assured but your safety is. You are part of the great experiment and in any experiment, you may hypothesize results but you will not know until you have finished the experiments.

Mankind was given free will. It was to explore what happens when a species us granted such a gift. How will it be utilized. How does it affect those who wish to create a world of duality and those who wish to create a foundation of fear versus a foundation of love. What happens when you throw in hope and desires into the equation. We are looking at many variables. If you saw what we see, it would make your head spin. Yet, we are in awe of how you all handle your day to day lives. You are part of the whole, yet you have a separateness. Can you see how amazing this whole piece is? We can and we marvel at it all. You have accepted many challenges, now see them through. You are clearly up to the tasks ahead of you.