Wednesday, October 31, 2012

As we come to a day and night that is known for the thinning of the veils, we ask you to remember that there is light in the dark and dark in the light. If you are asked to be a specific energy, be that energy. You may be that energy in whatever situation arises.

If an energy is draining you, we ask you to refrain from putting your focus on that energy. If you are overwhelmed with violence and what the news portrays or the energy of people showing disrespect to others, stop putting your energy into those areas. Your focus should be on what you truly desire. What helps your energy expand? Focus on that. What excites you? Put your energy on that. This will help lead you towards your own work and path instead of what others set as your purported agenda. It is time for those of the light to start shining their light and no longer allowing others to dim your purpose and your energy. It is time to focus on what you are and what you are doing here in this physical plane.


Moses and The Light

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

All creations are a gift of love. So, we ask that you look at your motivation in asking for something or in praying for something. If your motivation is out of fear or sense of lack, we ask you to rethink the request. Spend more time on what you want and why you want it. You don’t know what is actually happening in the moment or beyond what you are seeing. So, don’t let that interfere with your perceived desires. If your desire comes from a pure sense of love, then we ask you to make your request from this place. Start really assessing what you are asking for and why you are asking for it. Start moving into the creation from a vantage point of love. You will find your life changes quickly.


The Light

Monday, October 29, 2012

When we see mankind creating, we often see that people will work at forcing their will into the creation process. If something is not what they want it to be, they work at trying to make the person, object or situation into what they want it to be and not recognize it for what it is. You don’t have the right to force another to be different from what they are. If something doesn’t work for you, you are better off releasing it and allowing it to be what it is. Change happens all of the time and people are learning all of the time. So, if someone is learning a new job, give them time to learn and then see if it works. You must first learn to see people and situations for what they are before you try changing them. Change happens within you. Making something into what you want it to be is not the same as manifestation. This type of creation is from manipulation.

When you are in the manifestation process, there is an openness and a flow to it. The timing is not yours to control. The creation is a process of your desire in concert with the Divine plan. If you ask for the timing, you will be given a timing. If you are asked to do specific steps, the timing will be altered based on if you have done the steps required. You must do your part of the process and allow the Universe to do its part of the process.



Sunday, October 28, 2012

This message is for all of you who are getting overwhelmed with all of the violence and behaviors of man’s inhumanity to man in the world. Recognize that violence is a choice just as peace is a choice. You each need to make the choice of how you will be in your world and in your life. If you want to foster a world of love and peace, you must consciously choose love and peace in each moment. For those who choose violence, that is something that the Universe and God will not interfere with. However, realize that if you choose a path of violence and destruction, you are not following the path of God. Lower vibrational choices will pull you further away from God. Many times you hear those of violence say that they are fighting for God or that their prophet was insulted so that they now have an excuse to harm others. That is not coming from a higher vibrational way of being. These people may not understand what they are creating until after they cross over. It doesn’t mean that all people of violence are bad people, it just means that they are not making choices that come from love or God.

For those who feel insulted by people depicting you as violent and out of control, you change that by showing them that you are not violent. If you respond with violence and anger, you are only supporting the belief that you are violent and out of control. If you want to foster trust with these other people, that is not the choice to change anything. If you want to truly create change, you must change. If you want to be perceived as peaceful and loving, you must be peaceful and loving.

So, how should you create your life in love? Be loving and compassionate to all that is. Stop inundating yourself with violence. Those who live in the communities of violence must start being the energy that they wish to be and not take on what appears to be around them. Each of you must follow your own path and your own purpose for being here. Some of you may be here to help contain the violence and violent people. In reality, most of you are not here for that. As more of you choose a pathway of peace and love, more of you will help shift the balance. We also continue to caution you to not get caught up in what appears to be. There is much more going on than what you think you are seeing. Many times, there is a soul agreement that is taking place and you can’t understand why the soul would choose that experience. Since you don't know what the soul is here for you can't really judge the experience. Things will change as humans wake up to their creations and take responsibility for their creations. All things are not for all of you. You must align with what is for you to experience. Allow each being to follow their own path and journey of learning and experiences.



Saturday, October 27, 2012

Many assume that they may go anywhere and do anything. You are not here to work with all beings and to touch all people. You have specific purposes. Focus on those who belong with you and focus on situations where you belong. Focus on being who and what you are. Move past your ego self and be your spirit self. All that is yours shall miraculously appear and all that is not yours shall be released.

Your world teaches you that you may have everything but that is not how it is meant to be. You attract what you need to support your journey. So, you have everything that you require for your path but not just everything. You, as spirits, have asked for major life events to shape your experiences in human form and you must now follow those experiences and their creations. It is not for you to do everything. It is not for you to be everything to all people. Learn to check in. Open to the guidance that is there for you. Follow the path that is yours to follow. Stop buying into more is better and that you must own the newest of everything. Physical life was not meant to be about accumulating things. Focus on your own path and all that you require will be made available to you.


The Light

Friday, October 26, 2012

Peace, my brothers and sisters! There is hope in all moments and in all instances. Even when you see the world in chaos or violence, know there is hope in each moment. What you need to do is separate yourselves from what appears to be. Don’t feed the energy of anger and fear. Tune into your sense of peace. Open to how you may be of service to the light, in this moment. You can use this process for any moment that you are anxious or in fear. It doesn’t need to take long. Tune into the part of you that is safe and protected. Ask for guidance and wisdom to flow through you. You will know how to proceed and where to place your focus and thoughts.

You read the papers and see how people are projecting fear and anger. There are reports of groups wanting to attack and harm whole groups of people in a nation. Choose to stop feeding their anger. Stop supporting their beliefs, while allowing them to have their beliefs. If you don’t like something that is showing up, you stop giving it your attention and energy. It is fine to be aware so that you can protect yourself from physical harm or harm to groups. But you want to engage as little as possible with those who do not come from love and peace. Again, they get to be who and what they are because of Free Will. But, you don’t need to give them your energy, which only feeds what you don’t want to grow. The more attention you give to what you don’t want, the more it will expand. As you remove your energy, it gets less energy to support its existence. It may still exist but it will not be germane to you and so it affects you less. It allows all that needs to be to exist. You are feeding and supporting the life that resonates with you and allowing others to create the life that resonates with them.



Thursday, October 25, 2012

Today, we would like to talk about entitlement and grudges. We are focusing on problems in your Middle East but this information can be extended to any similar situation. What we see taking place is people in the Middle East believe that they are entitled to certain land and they don’t recognize those who currently are in control of those areas. They also eliminate the history of the land so that they can claim rights over others. So, they look for ways to take away the land and to deteriorate the cultures in those lands. Generation after generation they are taught hatred for those who are in control. They are taught to be violent towards others. Instead of attending to what they do have, they are focused on what they want and how to take it by force.

From a Universal perspective, if you can’t take care of what you do have and you can’t be respectful of others, how can you attract more? Also, you are not allowing any healing to take place. So, as a result, you don’t attract more. People are creating more hatred towards each other and lack of trust. People are then limiting what they can create because they only see something from one perspective and all others are wrong. This creates conflict with no resolution.

Now take this information and apply it to your own lives and where you feel entitled and are angry with others for having what you perceive that you want or deserve. However you are framing the world is how you will manifest. To create something new, you must be willing to release what holds you back and open the energy for a new creation. Ego and lower vibrational thinking will only limit the possibilities. You must appreciate those who have created what you want and you must learn respect for all that is. Appreciate what you currently have and take good care of it. Then, you create the possibility of more and different.



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

We would like to start today’s message off with a question. What are you doing to make your life, your community or the world better?

Many will argue about things that they don’t approve of or like. They blame others for the condition of the world. They point fingers and get angry. Some parts of the world look for excuses to hurt others, kill others or destroy property belonging to others. It takes little for them to find a reason to go into a destructive mode. Many say they are insulted and then go into a violent rampage and say that they are justified. How does this behavior improve anything?

If you truly want to improve your life and the world, start with your own life. If you are disorganized, organize your home, possessions and life. If you have debt, find ways to pay it off and live within your budget. The national debt will improve as each citizen gets their own finances under control. In reality, how much stuff do you need to collect? If you don’t like what someone else is doing, you don’t need to support them. If you don’t like a movie or TV show, don’t watch it. Put your energy into what you truly desire. Support causes that you believe in. Align your energy with what feels right to you. Anger and violence solves nothing. Blaming others solves nothing. You must be willing to create a life that you are proud of and being in your integrity. Violence towards others or groups of people will never solve problems. Learning to work with each other will help make things better. Respect of all life, will improve life.

So, we repeat, what are you doing to make your life, your community and the world better?


Yahweh and the Light

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Life has a way of working out in the end. There are many pathways that we each take and explore. Life holds many permutations and outcomes. That is part of the magnificence of the physical plane. There is something out there for everyone. Each choice will help lead to the next possibility. Some choices will cut off energy and other choices will open up new energy. There is constant change and exploration.

For those choosing the easy path, tune in and express what you truly desire and pay attention to your internal guidance. If something is for you to have, you will find that you are helped in the creation and manifestation process. When you are scared of the creation process, you often will stop the flow of the creation. The Universe helps you create according to what you believe is possible.



Monday, October 22, 2012

I have been observing how many people in my life seem to be focused on judging what others do and how they do it. I was listening to how people assess how they think others should live their lives. I have been listening to people saying what people should and shouldn’t do. In truth, we can’t pass those judgments on others. Each person has their own path and life lessons. Since we don’t know what the path of another is really meant to be, we can’t determine how they should proceed. We can offer advice, when asked, but each person must have their own free will to process their own life. Most people will make changes when they realize something isn’t working for them. Attempts to make things easier for others don’t usually work. People will find a way to create their own lives. The best we can do is offer love, compassion and support for others to follow their own journey. We can try to keep children safe but they will ultimately find ways to circumvent much of what we do to keep them safe because they learn by experiencing the world.

We must each endeavor to find what works for ourself. That means we try on different people as friends and companions until we find what works for us. We experiment in life with what we enjoy and are drawn to experience. There is no right or wrong experience. There are pieces that might be out of the confines of the law and there is cause and affect. So, there are consequences to each experience. But each must follow their creations and take responsibility for their actions. We each get to determine what is right for us. We also get to decide whether people fit into our lives or don’t fit. As you release those who don’t fit, you make room for new people to come in. You get to decide who belongs in your close circle.



Sunday, October 21, 2012

When you are working on creating something in your life, you must release what doesn’t belong to you or with you so that you have space for what you are trying to create. If you hold onto energy that doesn’t belong to you, you will not have room for what does belong to you. Think about that when you are holding onto things or energy that isn’t aligned with you or doesn‘t feel right to you. Many think that it is better to hold onto something that doesn’t belong to you or with you instead of trusting that what is yours will come to you. It is ultimately better to have what belongs in your life than to hold onto whatever you think you need to hold onto for the meantime.



Last month, I was contacted by someone who wanted to do a spell or manipulate energy to make someone come back to her and fall in love with her. Just so you all know, I don’t do that type of work. When you use energy to manipulate another into doing your will, you are going against God’s major law of respecting free will. That type of behavior will always come back to you in a way that you will not be happy with the consequences. It is related to taking someone off of their path because your ego wants something. This is never for the highest good or even in alignment with respectful energy. When people create in this way or live in this way, they are preventing themselves from finding true happiness. They are aligned with those committed to lowering the vibration of the earth. There is no thought or little thought of consequences. If you manipulate someone to be with you who doesn’t want to be with you, you are not coming from love. When you truly love someone, you want them to be happy and on their life path. You are able to put the needs of someone else above your own desires. Sometimes, that means letting someone go.



Saturday, October 20, 2012

We know there is a massive shifting taking place right now. Many of your work and assignments are being changed and altered. You may be given different assignments that don’t make sense to you and you are wondering what is up with that? You will know when the time is right what it is all about. We ask that you work on the tasks that we have before you. Don’t worry how it will fit into your futures. It will and it will make sense when the time is right. Sometimes, we just give you a task to perform because it makes sense to do it in the moment. Other pieces will help you, at some point.


Friday, October 19, 2012

We would like to speak with you about service. Many of you think that you are here to serve everyone who approaches you. There are many who are not ready for the work you might be doing. If you focus on the work that is within you, you are doing your service. People often confuse service with ego and working with those of ego. When you are trying to help others who are of ego, you will find that you are drained and depleted working with them. Those are the clients or students who only want to take from you but don’t see what they are creating. They are not the people who are looking for ways to be of service to others. They look for ways to take what they need without giving back or they may give back conditionally. If you are giving service to others and feel depleted, then you are not really giving service or aligned with your true pathway. When you follow your true path, you will not be depleted. There is an alignment and a beauty in true service that feels right and effortless. You have no need to convince others who are not meant to work with you. Those who belong with you, will understand you and your work. They will be drawn to you because of what you truly are and how you work. You will know when it is right.



Thursday, October 18, 2012

I was talking with someone this afternoon and they said that Plan A didn’t work and they needed to go to Plan B. What came through was that you don’t know that you ever worked on Plan A. You may have worked on a plan that you decided should work but it isn’t necessarily connected to the soul’s plan. Or, you might have been drawn to a plan and it was for a piece of the puzzle and not for a longtime experience. How do you know what the plan is for you? When you are following your soul’s journey, you may have different pieces showing up at certain points in time. All of the pieces put together are the fabric of your life but you must do the pieces. There is no need to judge the experience. All experiences serve a purpose. Experience the pieces and it comes together as your life. All experiences hold value. If something doesn’t work out, it leads you to the next piece and you will be able to use your experiences to help others. You don’t know the outcome of something until the end of your life. So, keep exploring and experiencing.



Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I have had people tell me that their grandmother is their guardian angel or guide or some other family member is filling this function. Your ancestors might watch over you but they are not really meant to be your guides or guardians. If they were really good at something, they may come in and help you with that but they are still spirits and will have their personalities and abilities as in life. They may see some other things that you don’t see but that is not always true. I have had my Mom come in and tell me that I can see things that she can’t see. She might give me a heads up, in relation to something happening in the family. If I want to see the answers to something, I go to my guides who are beings who are meant to help me in life from a higher perspective. Most of them will usually counsel me to ask God for my answers or they may give me advice. It is good to go to the highest realm energy available to help you with whatever help you require. The appropriate energy will then come through to help you. You want to work with beings that have no ego and will purely help you. If you feel a sense of ego coming into the equation, you are not working with an energy that you want to work with. You want help from an energy that is of pure love and they are there to truly help you without any other agenda.

If you want an ancestor’s advice, realize that they will be giving you advice similarly to what they would have done in life. It makes sense. Spirits don’t necessarily know the answers to all cosmic questions, after they cross over. If you find someone has a big ego or a lot of anger, they haven’t crossed over and are coming from a limbo space. If your friends and relatives have crossed over, they will not hold onto their egos but they will have their personalities. They may also be coming from a perspective of all of their lifetimes. Your ancestors will be around you when you need them to offer you love and comfort. Going for the top energy you have access to is my recommendation. Let each being do what they are designed to do.



Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Energy is simple. If something is aligned and a true thought or desire, it can manifest quickly and easily. Mankind makes the manifestation process difficult. People often try to make something into something else or make someone other than who and what they are. This will not work. When something is real, the energy is simple and aligned. There is no need to convolute or manipulate the energy. It is much easier to manifest someone with the attributes you desire than to try and remake yourself or someone else into something that they are not. If you have hopes and dreams know that there is something out there that is aligned with those hopes and dreams. Allow that creation to take place.

So, the first rule of creation is to realize that free will of all beings must be respected. You cannot manifest something that would harm another being or take away their free will. Your desire or creation must not take away the rights of another. The second rule is that you must truly want what you say that you want. Words and actions must be aligned. Then, it is a simple matter of time for the creation to become reality. Do not create from fear or lack. Create from a sense of abundance and love. The last important piece is that you must let go and allow the energy to form. If you constantly hold onto something there is no room for growth. If something is not showing up in your life, it is because it is not yet time or something is out of alignment. You may have some work to do before the creation may take physical form.


The Godhead

Monday, October 15, 2012

I was thinking about the words Shalom in Hebrew, Salaam in Arabic and that many places in the United States have the name Salem. Shalom and Salaam are words used to greet people and they also mean peace. Salem is also meant to mean peace but if you look at the cultures saying peace as a greeting and cities that carry this name, the commonality is there is much violence perpetuated within the cultures and the histories of the cities. It is an odd reality. If so many cultures really seek peace and wish this for all those they encounter, why is society so violent?

Words and deeds are not congruent. We see mankind will express desires for many things but their actions and inner most thoughts do not reflect their true values. They may express a certain belief because they are taught it is superior but the people then harbor resentment and anger for others and so they may say peace but they really are not wishing the other person well. How often do you express something and then really wish something else. Mankind has potential for peace but only if they release their anger and resentment of others. Mankind can’t continue to blame cultures for things that happened before many of the people were even born. It is better to work with people in the here and now and treat them as they would wish to be treated. If you wish peace, truly be peace and open your heart to humanity. Be love and spread love and compassion. Words have no true meaning if the actions are not in alignment with the true expressions.



Sunday, October 14, 2012

When you tune in and are given information about what to do, do what you are asked to do. Keep it simple. You might get a direction to do something and think that isn’t much. You might think there is something more and you didn’t get the whole direction. However, start with what you are given to do. More directions will follow, when the time is right. Something that you think is insignificant might actually be huge.

All change happens by learning to follow the guidance you receive. Most humans focus on others and trying to fix their lives but your real power comes from following the guidance you are given for yourself. Start from there and you will know how to proceed.



Saturday, October 13, 2012

Yesterday’s message caused me to ask for information of the Universe’s perspective of the death penalty. Here is what came through.

Humans do not have the right to hurt another living being. This can be in any form. Each life is precious and created for their own journey. We don’t condone verbal or physical violence in any form. We recognize that many people often do heinous crimes of mass murder, rape or other forms of violence. Humans do not need to follow an eye for an eye way of living. You can contain those of violence without being violent to them. You must learn to break the cycles that have gone on before you. When you are violent, you are teaching violence. When you are disrespectful, you are teaching disrespect. If you want change, you must be willing to change. Your world needs to move to a much more positive way of being with each other. Change starts with each of you!


Above, you mentioned that we don’t have the right to hurt any living being. Does that mean that you want all beings to be vegetarian in nature?

We recognize that some humans need animal protein to survive and feel healthy. Many of you are evolving so that you no longer need this protein source. Some animals on your planet are carnivores. What we recognize is that if you are evolved so that you no longer need animal protein, refrain from consuming it. If you need animal protein, you may have what you need but be honoring of the animal you are eating. If you are eating plants, you are consuming a life force, be honoring of that life force. There will be a time where you will no longer need to consume other life forms to thrive. When this takes place you will be heading into a form that can be much more honoring of all life.



Friday, October 12, 2012

We know that many people who are vocal and in the public will preach against groups of people or belief systems. We see many who would take away the rights of women to protect their bodies or make decisions about their bodies. We see many who would strip gay people of their human rights. We see many who would not realize that it is important to educated and feed all people. If you are in a position to help the people succeed, you are helping the future generations exists and thrive.

We no longer want any religious doctrine such as the Bible, Koran, Torah, or any written or verbal material to be a means to harm any life form. All beings are loved. All beings are supported in their journey. Each being must be given the rights to follow their path as it is written in their soul’s journey. Creating laws to demean anyone or harm anyone is never okay. The laws of the Universe and the Heavens always begin with peace, love and compassion. We do not need humans to legislate ways to limit people from being who they are meant to be. We don’t condone murder or harming others under any circumstance. We do support women making the choices that are right for their bodies and being attended by qualified medical professionals. We support all families and adults creating homes and families that are right for them. Gay and straight families all have equal rights under the laws of Heaven. You see two men or two women or a man and a woman. We see souls that are coming together. Souls are not male or female. You never know how you will be affected in a future lifetime with creations of this lifetime. So, pay attention to what you are doing here and now. If you can feed someone who is hungry do so. If you can help create a better education for al children who wish to learn, do so. Look at ways to help all life. Take care of your world and planet. Look out for each other, even if you have different beliefs and philosophies. Don’t impose but help where you can. It will all work out.



Thursday, October 11, 2012

We know that the United States is getting ready for elections of a new President. Your political parties want you to think a certain way and do what they each want you to do. We ask that you all do critical thinking. It doesn’t matter if the election is in the United States or another country. There is an assumption that the masses won’t read truth. They will only go by what is given to them. You must each use reason and look at the full person you are voting for. Understand what they believe and how they operate. Don’t use the propaganda as your resources. Find as much as you can about them before making up your mind. Look at their actual voting records. Don’t go by agendas or what you are being fed by the media related to them. Once you have all the information you can gleam from them and their campaigns and their past, you can make your informed decision and vote. Advertisements are made to have the other person look bad.

Elections need to evolve so that each person is being honest and showing who and what they are. Telling people what you believe and how you feel about issues will give you the full picture. Ask that the truth be revealed. See the people for who and what they truly are. Then, you can vote for the leaders that truly reflect what is right for you.



Wednesday, October 10, 2012

As part of the preparation that we are performing on many humans, you will find that you are tired a lot. The reason for this is when you are resting or sleeping, we take the time to help prepare you and download energy to you. It is like putting you in a cocoon where you are safe to do your transformation. Many of you are being transformed. You will also find that you can no longer do many of the things that you have done in the past. Many aspects of you that have been ingrained will be going away and new energies will take their place. Allow the process to be as it needs to be for you. Follow the energy that is showing up and pay attention to what needs to take place in each moment. If you need extra rest, please allow yourself to rest. You may need to release certain commitments to do this. This will help speed up your transformation and new self and work.


The Godhead

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Whenever you have an experience, you can only state what your experience was. You can’t say that other people should feel a certain way or have the same reaction as you. Yet, many of you are quick to judge what someone else should feel or how they should react to something. Spending your time judging others or deciding how it should be for others, is never productive.

One of the reasons that you have the sense of separation from other beings is so that you will have individual experiences and reactions. It is the design of humanity. You are not the collective but your experiences and information goes into the collective consciousness. It is for you to create and work through your own experiences. Enjoy having your own behaviors and reactions to whatever appears in your life. Part of compassion is learning to be open to experiences of others and the ability to have sympathy and support for the journeys of others without the need to pass judgment on them. There is no one way to live life. There is room for all that life holds for each of you.



Monday, October 8, 2012

What can you tell us about the violence that is showing up more and more?

Mankind has always been violent. It dates back to when mankind needed to kill its own food and before mankind worked in communities. Mankind has always tried to take from others so that they are not in lack. Mankind developed on a foundation of fear where they never realized that whatever they needed was always right there. Now, you have more sophisticated weapons than ever before and it is easy to get access to those weapons. If someone is disappointed in someone or an outcome, they use that as an excuse to murder others or to harm others. If someone is insulted, they resort to violence to show their displeasure. If someone decides to dominate another, they will then feel justified in hurting them physically or emotionally. We do not say this of all of you but only of those who look for reasons to be violent.

We see a dichotomy of two camps of beings. Some are committed to love and light and they hold no desire for violence. Others find violence perfectly acceptable. You have the free will to determine what is right for each of you. You may choose to be a product of your world or you may choose to be a product of your spirit. Notice in violent situations there are always those who jump to help and rescue others while some will think they have been given permission to copy the violent act. We do not judge you either way. You must decide what you will be. Those of violence will eventually only stay with others of violence and those of peace will stay with those of peace.



Sunday, October 7, 2012

It all works out okay. You are not sure of this statement because you see much in your world where people are of greed and disrespect life that is different from them. You see that many have no respect for the earth or its other inhabitants. But in the end, all is balanced out. Mankind is in the process of determining whether or not they will survive. You have taken over the planet and neglected to watch over animals who are not in control. Mankind has claimed all land and takes over space with buildings and manufactured goods. Man has found it to be their birthright to conquer the earth and other inhabitants. Other animals are viewed as being of lesser importance. There may be a time where mankind is no more and the earth will take back over and restore a balance. The spirits of mankind will be in limbo or in the other sphere of existence, where spirits go. It all works out.

Many lessons are revealing themselves to you multiple times each day. Will you learn from what is showing up? Will you learn from what your ancestors have experienced? What is showing up around you right now? Many make plans that will no longer be valid for future generations. Whatever takes place now or in the future, each spirit will eventually be just fine. Your lives may create a very different process but it will eventually make sense to each of you. All works out, if not now, in the future.



Saturday, October 6, 2012

When you are truly aligned to your authentic self, you will be in honor and integrity. Your words and actions will match, when you are aligned. You will respect your contracts with others. If you owe money, it will be paid back. If you utilize a service, you will no longer put off paying for that service or doing some form of balanced energy exchange. You can’t be authentic, when you are in debt because your energy is always concerned about how the debt is going to be collected or you have released yourself from caring about others. To be authentic you are honoring of all life that is around you. You respect that all beings have their own needs. You honor your commitments to others and to your self. As you clear up your debt, you become free to pursue your true self. Within that form of energy balance, you are free to follow your true path and destiny.


Friday, October 5, 2012

Feel the sense of freedom. Feel what it is like to no longer worry about anything or anyone. What is that like for you? Now pay attention to the areas of your life where you are worried or concerned. How much of that do your really need to worry about? Pay attention to where your energy goes. When you feel tired, what are you placing your focus on? What is draining you? Are there ways that you can look at the situation where you are no longer drained or worried about what you are looking at or participating in? The things you worry about, are there any steps you can make to change the situations? Realize that there is much that you focus on that you have absolutely no control over. It doesn’t help to worry about the situation or feel stressed by it. When you are in trust, you will be guided to whatever steps you need to take. You may still have something to do but that will be in areas that allow you to change what is happening or playing your role. Either way, you have no reason to worry.



Thursday, October 4, 2012

I was looking at some of the frustrations from being in a place where the old energy is gone and the new is waiting to form. It feels like a place of being in limbo. While I was tuning in, it felt like the frustration was coming from ego and the need to control outcomes. The message that came through was to release the ego and come from the spirit energy. To work with the place that knows that all works out perfectly and to be in the place of trust and surrender. This is the place where the timing is always perfect and the results are always just as they need to be.

I have heard from a lot of people who are in a place where they are letting go of what doesn’t work but worried that nothing will come to replace what they released. Many will hold onto something that they feel is wrong for them because they don’t trust anything else to come and replace the energy. That fear is the ego energy trying to make you feel that you must control outcomes and work at fixing what you perceive is wrong.

The statement that came through was “to let go and let God.” The energy of this is to let your spirit self take the lead and control what is in your life. Trust that if something isn’t right for you, you can just let it go. Whatever is meant to take its place will then have space for the aligned energy to form. Your work and truth doesn’t come from the ego but from your spirit and Divine source. Trust it to work out beautifully. Release the need to control outcomes and specifics. You will find that the frustrations will melt away.


Ken and Moses

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

When you are in the place where you are feeling like you are blocked and in limbo, take some time to release the need to control the process and outcome. Truly open to your teams and to God. Allow yourself to release the need to control any aspect of your life. Place your trust in an amazing outcome.

Show up for your day to day life and be open. Do the work you have. Attune to love and compassion for all who surround you. Don’t try to control or fix others. Be with them with an open heart and mind. Allow each to follow their own path without the next to judge them. See what changes as you release your need to control or fix others. Know that you are where you are for a reason. When that reason changes so will your opportunities and life.

There is no benefit in fighting the tide. It is about being where you are and being who you are. That is often enough. As you flow with life, you will open up to life.



Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Imagine a life that feels authentic to you. What would it look like and feel like? Create as much details as you can. Don’t try and impose what you know now or how your life is now. Allow it to be something that feels good to you and feels aligned. Who would be in your life? What would you do together? This energy is different from imposing your will on others. You are just playing with potentials as your life. It can be quite different from any you have experienced up to this point. You are just dreaming about different scenarios.

Next, look at you life just as it is. What feels right and what feels out of alignment? Clear away what feels out of alignment and start paying attention to what is in alignment. You want to expand the alignment energy. Know that you always have options. The trick to creating is not forcing the creation or manipulating others to have what you desire. That is why vision boards can be wonderful. They reprogram you to what you authentically want. So, don’t fill your space with things that are not aligned with you and don’t program you towards your goals. Start placing your focus on what is aligned and true for you. Release the things you have accumulated that others have told you to get, if they don’t feel right for you.



Monday, October 1, 2012

Start paying attention to how often people will tell you their plan and proceed to force their plan on you. Pay attention to how people will manipulate and work really hard to create their plan and make it into a reality. Some will only keep talking about their plan and not do anything to make it happen.

Now pay attention to the people who are really connected to the master plan or the Divine plan and how they fit into it. Those are the people where things appear to materialize effortlessly. They will be working within the plan so there is still work involved but opportunities will come to them. The opportunities will feel right. It isn’t about their ego. They are following their spirit directions.

When you are ready to reconnect with your spirit path or the Divine plan, you will be guided back on that track. If you need to stay on the path where you are forcing your will into the situation, you are welcome to stay on that path. It may sound like we are judging one path to be good and the other to be bad but we are not. Each of you learn differently. We just seek to raise your awareness. Change happens when you seek to change and are committed to changing aspects of your life. It is not enough to talk about it. You must actually make changes in your thoughts and beliefs.

