Friday, May 31, 2013

What if each moment was the only moment? How would you live your life? How would you be with people? What would you appreciate and what would you value? Today, we just pose these questions to you. What you do with the answers is up to you. How this affects you is also up to you. We only seek to raise your awareness. As you become more aware, your life changes in many ways. Learning what is important to you and of value to you, is vitally important for all of you. The answers will help you in becoming a more evolved soul.



Thursday, May 30, 2013

Energy! Feel it! Take it in! Be with it! Don’t try and change or adjust it. Allow it to be just as it is. Create resonance with it. You must first learn to be with something without any attachments to what it is and how it is. Know that all creations are of great value and serve potential. You know what feels right for you and you must respect that just because something doesn’t feel right for you, it doesn’t mean that it should not be allowed to be. As you build your life, you are looking for what feels right for you. You must step back and relearn those answers. Your world has taught you belief systems based on faulty values and perceptions. You have been taught to believe that God has created rules and values that you must adhere to. Know that God has mainly created love for all of mankind and the creatures of the earth. So, if you want to create from that foundation, you must do no harm to any life form. You must love and value all of life. Hold gratitude and appreciation for all that exists. You know what belongs in your own life by how it feels to you. You don’t know what belongs in the life of another, based on your own values. There is no need to harm another because they are different from you. If you need to hurt someone to prove how right you are, you are most likely not right. Always go back to basics and be with energy before judging it. Each life form finds what is right for it. If something isn’t right for you, simply step away from it. You don’t need to destroy what you don’t understand.


The Dacore

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Now, this moment, what comes to mind? What are you being asked to do? Are you working at making up work that doesn’t exist? Are you seeking your purpose and way of being in the world? Is this conditioning working for you? How do you feel with this way of being? Notice that we are asking you to release the old ways of being and doing. We are helping you restructure and build from the ground level. Your foundations are changing. Witness how many of your earth struggles to make ends meet or work. People are not considered of value, if they don’t measure up to what their society says that they should be doing every moment of every day. We submit that there are other ways of being in your world and on your earth plane. You will still do what is necessary to feed yourselves and honor your commitments. You will just be making different commitments that are aligned with your soul’s purpose of being in this plane of existence right here and now. The guidance is around you and within you to help you navigate this new way of being and existing. Really learn to let go of the old ways and now embrace the new. You will know what is being asked of you and when it is being asked of you.

Many Blessings!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When humans experience shifts and changes, they often try and access what they were utilizing before the changes. This is not allowing the changes to take place. You must learn to let go of what you think you know from your past. You must release the old ways and completely open up to the new ways. If everything is not in place, you will find a sense of frustration trying to do what you did in the past. Bring your awareness and focus on the guidance you are receiving right now. Don’t worry about what you did in the past or what you will be doing in the future. Be present and open to doing what needs to be done right now. This all goes to the concept of trust. Allow yourself to be open to something completely new and different. The struggle and sense of distress is what often holds humans back. When you let go and allow God to work with you, you will always find a happy ending and experience. The miracles are there, you just need to be present and allow them to show up in their own time and way.



Monday, May 27, 2013

I was reading a book on healing techniques and the person was saying it was okay to send healing to someone without checking in with the person and the spirit first. What do you think about that?

We think this is a violation of the person and a waste of energy. You are making an assumption that what you perceive as a medical problem is really a problem. You take physical pain and altered perceptions of health and feel the need to fix what you perceive as wrong. You are judging the person and the experience and feeling that you know best about what should be taking place for that individual. The healer who does this is actually manipulating energy that they don’t understand and using their ego to go into fix mode without first checking in. There are times where this will appear to work and other times where you are just wasting energy.

Each of you holds the power to heal and you can also do it for yourselves. First check in and see if it okay to heal what you perceive as being off. If you get a yes, you may proceed. If you get a no then trust the process that needs to take place but always check in first. When something shows up in your own body or life, tune in and ask what it is there for and how it serves you. You may ask what you need to do in the situation. Then, follow the guidance that you receive. There may be a very good purpose for whatever is taking place. So, don’t jump to judgment on whatever takes place. Seek instead to understand your part of the experience. Everything shows up for a certain reason. Know the reason before you attempt to change what you experience.



Sunday, May 26, 2013

Trust what you pick up, even when the outward signs don’t reveal what you are reacting to. Take the guidance and directions for each day and don’t worry about long term. Right now, much is being refocused and realigned. There are many things taking place on small and large scales. So, if you get a really strong feeling to do something or not do something, then follow what you are picking up and stop fighting the energy. Even when something doesn’t make logical sense it will make sense at some level. Know that we have your back and are watching out for you on many levels. Know also that things will make sense soon, even if the don’t make sense in this moment.



Saturday, May 25, 2013

There are some things that you can’t prepare for. Know this. Some events in time and space must just be experienced without any preconceived notions or desires to control outcomes. You need to be present, aware and open. You will know how to navigate what is now to be. You will also know where you fit into the scheme of whatever is taking place. If you have learned to communicate with your teams of beings, you will know what you need to do and how to handle whatever is coming up. If you haven’t worked and learned to communicate with your teams, never fear, help will still show up.

Remember the real focus of light is love. The real focus of what you refer to as heaven is love. All of the things that happen on the earth plane come from free will but each of you is loved and valued. Your physical bodies may be harmed but that is merely a shell. Men may hate other men but your soul does not hate anyone or anything. You must learn to reconnect with your soul and your soul’s journey. Never buy into the slight of hand that you perceive as your reality. We know we are focusing on this concept but it is valuable for you to really understand this right now. More than any other time in human existence this is a pivotal time of change. You are either awakening or remaining asleep. The choice is up to you.


Friday, May 24, 2013

We would like to propose a process for each of you. When you start each morning, pray for guidance and ask for what your focus needs to be each day. You may feel this focus change and ask what the next focus should be. This is to train your minds. You may receive a one word answer or you may receive a concept or thought pattern. Work on then bringing your mind back to the energy you receive as your new word or pattern. Don’t try and evolve this process. Let it be what it needs to be. By this, we mean don’t manipulate the process or try and make it more than it is. Allow the energy to be simple. This will help you learn faster. We are building a foundation now.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

The question we received is how do you build your trust in those beings working with you and through you? This answer is simple. You must learn from what comes through to you. What works and what doesn’t work. Some of the issues that arise come from you misinterpreting information or adding your own spin to what is being presented. You may have an invested belief in knowing the answer or a certain answer that will skew what takes place. When you learn to let go and just allow the answers to come in through your various senses, you will get better at interpreting what is coming through to you.

Major shifts are taking place now and you will need to work on your trust level with your guides and teams. They may be the difference of how your life proceeds in the changes taking place. Being stubborn will not help you evaluate or move forward. You must learn to really value your guides and work with them. Come from love. Remove fear from the energy and you will never have anything to worry about. We realize that many of you have been taught fear based ways of being. It really is time to move beyond this now. You have a lot of chances to work on this, by seeing what is being presented to you on screens, movies, television and the news. When these stories take place, you may ask what to focus on and what not to focus on. Expand what you view as the important piece. Never buy into what you imagine is the worst case scenario. It is only an experience brought on by those who mean to harm others and bring you into their hate energy. You may choose to not buy into that and come from a place of love to those who deserve your love. The less energy you give to those not in your circle and path, the better. Love instead those who seek ways to love and be loving. The energy will grow. Your world seems to have more violence than love but that is only an illusion. Most beings want to love and be loved.


The Yahwehs

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Know us and allow us in! We make special efforts for those of you who are working at learning how to work with your teams but we expect those of you who have been working with your groups for a while to really get the hang of working with other beings and other worlds. There are times to question and argue and times to just take the information and go with it. We get tired of having to constantly prove ourselves to you, when the timing is vital. If something isn’t important, it is fine to step back and question. This is not an ego energy request. We are trying to help you move through some things that will be coming in quickly and will need you to just follow what is coming through. We want you to feel secure in who is working with you but we also want you to do the work you are meant to do and perform.

Use the analogy of a parent who is trying to prevent their child from being harmed by oncoming danger. You are in a physical world that holds dangers. Your spirit is never in danger. We are trying to help on the physical level as well as the mission level. So, spend the quiet times of your life building up your trust in those who provide information for you. Then, when you received guidance or directions follow them.



Tuesday, May 21, 2013

When you receive information from your guides or some being who is answering your request, try trusting them and allowing them in. Very few beings show up because they wish to create mischief in your life. You can shield for anything you are concerned about by setting up the parameters for some being of light or higher vibration to come in and guide you or provide you with information. You have specific beings who are meant to be in your life to work with you. Trust them. Unless you are an alcoholic or drug user, you most likely have beings around you who are completely trust worthy. Lower vibrational beings tend to hang around those with dependency issues or fear issues. They are attracted to that energy. If you are coming from a love base and open, then you are in good hands. You will know the difference pretty quickly between those of light and those of ego base. You need to develop a trust base connection with those whom you are working with. You also need to follow through with the guidance that is provided to you and trust the outcome will be perfect.


The Yahwehs

Monday, May 20, 2013

If there is anyone whose life you are holding onto, release them. Give each person their life back. Let each person be responsible for their choices and actions. You are not responsible for another. You may love someone dearly and work with them to help them succeed but that is a choice you make to help them with that piece. Ultimately, each must choose what is right for them. There are some that you are linked with and you serve a purpose by helping them in their purpose and experiences. You never know, unless you check in and ask for guidance in how to be with someone and a certain situation. You may still do this work with them but let them have their own choices and life back. Take back your own choices and your life. Trust that you will know how to be with each moment that presents itself. You find new roles to play.



Sunday, May 19, 2013

Answers may vary from moment to moment because each moment is unique and different. Many things are mutable. Many things are fixed but your work and world are evolving so answers may shift quickly from moment to moment. You are not in a holding pattern any longer. Be of cheer for the moment you awaited is now here.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Blessed Ones,

Your desire to help others is admirable. Your desire to make changes and to help evolve the earth is admirable. Make sure you ask how you may help someone without assuming that you know. They may not even really know how to receive the help that they request. You know from experiences that many are seeking confirmation that whatever they want is the way to go. They will not be happy hearing something else but you must go with what comes through. Be honest and in integrity with each being who crosses your path. You must help each being find what is right for them. Be pure in receiving and working with the answers that present themselves through you.



Friday, May 17, 2013

Know who you are and what you are. Be true to that. Don’t try and be what someone else wants you to be. You are valuable just as you are. You are valuable as you grow and evolve. The journey is yours to proceed with. All that you need will always be there. Be the light you are meant to be and you will be ready to go on your way. The journey that awaits for you is ready for you to make your way.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

As you develop and grow into your work and life, you will notice how your work evolves. Many will try and hold you in the place where they feel comfortable with you. However, you will no longer be able to do the old work. You will need to let it go and be in the place you are. Your old life may be surrendered and you will know how to move forward. Holding onto the attachments of where you were will tether you to the past but not allow you to move forward. You owe it to yourself and those in your future to move forward in your work and ways. Those from your past, who belong with you, will be with you. You must let go of the old to create the new. You don’t need to justify your changes. Allow yourself to flourish and you will know how to move forward. New people will show up. Those who need to hold onto the past, will be able to do so. It just creates a stagnation to hold onto what you must now release.



Wednesday, May 15, 2013

We ask you to look at different forms of addictions. When someone is holding onto their story or their form of dependency, you can do nothing about their experiences. When someone is holding onto victimization and stuck in their own process, without being able to see how they affect others, they cannot be helped. You can’t fix anyone or anything that needs to be as it is. You can be there to offer help for those who are willing to do the work. Each individual holds the key and power for how to heal their own lives. The help will be there, when they are ready to grow and move forward. You must recognize which stage they are in, when they seek help. Forcing help on someone in this process will never work. There is a stage where help will work but if you need to force it, you are not there. You may hold others accountable for their behaviors and actions. You may utilize cause and effect. You may find ways to better protect yourself in dealing with the ones in addictions. When someone is ready to change they will for themselves and not for others. The need to fix others is also a form of addiction. So, think about that the next time you take on people as a project to heal them or fix them. You are in a place of judgment with them. Pay attention to how that is working for you and them. If you can be neutral with them and just open to what your piece is, you may be quite effective. The reactions will let you know where you are in their process.

Many blessings!


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I was looking at some of the blessings that people will say to people. I finished a book and it talked about praying for suffering to end. When I tuned into that, I heard suffering is optional. Those who are in suffering are in that energy because they have chosen that work. If you pray for them to not be in suffering, you are taking away their work. A better prayer or invocation is for each being to have the life that they are meant to have. Another variation is for each being to have the experiences that are meant for them.

Some things happen because the soul has asked for the experience. Some things happen because we have become a society of people who are not present and paying attention to their inner guidance systems. It is not for any human to take away the experiences that someone needs to undergo. You might pray for someone to find their true path or to awaken but even that might alter what needs to really happen with that individual in the current moment.

Many look at their purpose as being attainment of enlightenment. When you work towards that, you are judging your experiences and path, without knowing what you are truly here to do and experience. It might be better to work more on getting the most of each experience that presents itself to you, instead of working at avoiding the energy around you and the life you are creating and processing. You only need to worry about the present moment and not the future or the past. The future will happen in its own time. The past is over and the present is where you are doing your current work.

In Light!

Yahweh and Ken

Sunday, May 12, 2013

I am writing this message a week after the violence at the Boston Marathon. I was asking my group about how do we deal with people who would do violence and look for ways to kill or maim others. I have read a lot of work where people say our job is to love everyone and I asked about loving those who only wish to harm others. Here is the response that came through:

You see violence and then your world spends a lot of energy explaining those who have created the violence. What you are doing is placing your energy in creating more violence and when you send love to those who have perpetuated the violence their energy takes the love energy and views it as support for their actions. The best thing you can do is be neutral with such people. If you get angry, you are adding to the violent energy. If you stay neutral you are not putting energy into their actions. Stop reading about them. Stop giving them any of your time and energy. You don’t want to create a sense of glorification of those behaviors. There are those who are in place to deal with such people and that is their life work. If you must do anything, send love to those in recovery and help those who wish your help with their healing process. Put your energy toward the heroes who put themselves in harms way to help others. They could use your encouragement and love.

We see how television and newspapers are focused on the wrong angle of the story. They focus on the violence and telling you about the person who would create such violence. This is an attempt to help people understand why someone did something but that is not what helps you heal. The more energy you give something, the more it expands. If you put your energy towards those who step in to truly help, then you are expanding that energy. Put your intention and attention into the areas that truly matter to you. This is another reason why we caution you about watching violent films and shows. Focus instead on what you wish to see expand. Violence and what you term as evil will exist but that doesn’t mean that your main focus is on them and their actions. There are many wonderful people out there doing really great work and compassionate work. The focus needs to be on telling the stories of those doing good in your world.



Saturday, May 11, 2013

We have given this message before. Be who and what you are. The only person responsible for you being who and what you are is you. Love those around you. You don’t have to like them or spend time with them. Just love them. Release any expectations and conditions for this love. Trust that they will find themselves and their answers. You are not there to fix anyone or anything. You are there to be who and what you are. You will move on, when the time is right to move on. The only perceived control you have over anyone or anything is over your own actions, beliefs and behaviors. Each being is responsible for themselves.

When you have children in your life, you are there to help them be exposed to experiences. When they find what they love and are passionate about, encourage them to cultivate their joy and passions. Help those you contact do what they do best. All of you learning to work together will create a beautiful world.



Friday, May 10, 2013

There is potential in each life form. Plants grow. They don’t try and grow, they do what is in their nature. Water flows because that is what it does in rivers and oceans. Humans are taught to be as society and their inner circle expect them to be. People are forced to be different from their nature, if it doesn’t conform to what they are expected to be. If you allow each being to be who and what they truly are and you just nurture them, you will find much grows and blossoms that otherwise would have remained dormant.

Each of you have an innate programming. You are programmed to be something wonderful. Not everyone will appreciate your gifts and talents. But, many will appreciate you for being just who and what you are. Instead of teaching hatred for what is not understood, teach love for the beauty that is within and ready to come and express itself. You will find where you belong.

Allow all to be just as it is meant to be. Learn to help encourage this. Cultivate the gifts and talents that are within each being. Not what you want them to possess but what they do possess.



Thursday, May 9, 2013

Placing people and experiences into boxes won’t work for you or anyone. We understand that you do this to make the world make sense for yourself but it doesn’t allow anything to be what it truly is. You will miss out on much potential. When you place something in a box or try to define it, you are limiting the person and the experience with them. This doesn’t truly allow you to experience the person or situation. This behavior also takes you away from the moment and being present in the moment. As you release your definitions and need to limit others, you will be surprised at what you encounter and experience. You will see the world wake up.

There is no real suffering. That is from a limiting perspective of what is taking place. You are locked into what appears to be. You may feel sad or have other feelings and emotions but you don’t see what is fully taking place on all realms and dimensions. You only perceive the human/physical world experience.


Noah and Yahweh

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

You can’t force the teacher to show up or the student to be ready to learn. All appears in the correct order and at the perfect time. Many will judge experiences but all experiences are perfect and teach the lessons the individual needs to learn or is ready to learn. You will awaken and learn, as you need to. You will also be ready for experiences when you are ready for them. It is not about your timing but about the right timing.

The Lord

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The piece that keeps most people from their goals and real success is a separation of from real, unconditional love. Rediscovering this true love energy will help each of us attain our true purpose and reason for being. Coming from this energy, people will no longer be fixated on obtaining stuff and gaining control of others. People won’t need to overpower another or force them to believe the way that they think others should believe. We will love each other for just who we are and as we are. We will allow people to follow their own paths and no longer need to harm another being or group of beings. We will value all that is.

In truth, when we master love, we will obtain a life that is full and richer than anything else that we could imagine. When we connect to God, the Universe and the all that is from a place of love, we will be connected to the all that is and respect the all that is from love. There will no longer be a need to judge another or fix another. We can truly just love each other for who and what we are. What a world that will be. It is possible to create such a world. You work on mastering your own connection to love and then love will attract more love. There is only one pure love. What you perceive as variations comes from the judgments others make and perceive. When you get to the mastery level, you will understand this.



Monday, May 6, 2013

Mankind is not binary. Things are not black and white. Yet, many companies in your earth systems are trying to make it appear so. They take out customer service or reduce the needs of their customers to a check list. If your problem or concern doesn’t fit their check list, there is no help available for you. There is a trend to remove you from human contact. However, the human contact could take care of many issues much more quickly. Many law suites would never take place if you could work with each other from a compassionate place and connect with each other.

Human contact is what all of you need. You are not meant to live completely solitary lives. You are meant to engage with others and to be working as units. Few animals in existence do great just being solitary. Most species require help from others of their kind or from other beings on your planet. Know that companies that seem to remove direct contact with them will not be able to function on a successful level, even if it appears that they are doing so right now. Machines only are helpful, if they help create connection and not create disconnection. Yes there are times where many of you need space and privacy. But, you can’t do this indefinitely.

Many systems are changing. We urge you to focus on how to be more loving and bring more love into the world to help usher these changes in.



Sunday, May 5, 2013

What is it that you expect from people and situations? What happens when things don’t go the way you think that they should? Where do you find that you get frustrated when things don’t go how you expect them to go? Are you able to just let go of your expectations, wants and desires? In reality, the experience could be something miraculous. If you hold onto your need to control your environment and others, you will miss out on some pretty amazing experiences.

It is okay to have wants and desires. In fact, they will materialize but not necessarily how you expect them to show up. You may find that something may show up in a different package or way. The timing may not be how you envision it. You may also find that something better is waiting for you and ready to materialize and you will miss out because of where your focus is. Tune into your inner guidance system and bypass your logical mind. See how that works for you.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Many things transpire. Many of you try to understand the world by defining it but that isn’t necessarily the right way to be with something. Experience things without the need to judge or explain it. Just be with the experience. Let the experience flow through you. Remove your judgments of what is happening. Let your senses just experience what is taking place. You don’t need to justify and explain everything that takes place. Most of life is about showing up and being with what is around you and in you. Learning to release judgment and the need to define everything will actually open up a new world for you. You are ready for this to take place. Now is your time to grow and explore.


The Yahwehs

Friday, May 3, 2013

Trust the signs and what you are picking up. If someone continually cancels on you, check in and see if you should be pursuing a connection with that person or if what you are trying to do is something that you should be trying to do. If you are constantly being blocked by something, pay attention. If you feel like you are being prevented from being in a certain place, pay attention. There are signs all around you. You may be trying to do something that you shouldn’t be doing or you may be trying to do something in a way that isn’t right for you. Don’t try and force the creations that you think need to happen. Work on creating in ways that are in alignment for you.

All of your senses are working with you and will provide information to you.


Yahweh and the Godhead

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Not all things belong with you and are of you. Many of you are collectors. Why do you feel the need to surround yourself with trinkets and stuff? How much of your collections hold value for you? Release what you do not value. Allow what belongs with you and around you to stay. See what charges you and your space and what depletes you and your space. Awaken and be clear. You must see things with fresh eyes and you will know how to process the energy around you. Clear away what no longer fits or works for you. Say yes to things that are aligned with you and your future. Follow the path of your inner guidance or map. The stars are aligned now for you to venture ahead. Release the weight of what no longer needs to be carried around with you. You are headed into your future self. Now is the time to spread your wings.


The Noahs

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blessings to all of you now and always. Many will not understand you and your ways. Be authentic anyway. You are not here to convince or change anyone. You are here to be who and what you are. You are here to share your gifts and talents with those who will appreciate them and value them. You hold importance in the scheme of all that is. Hold truth energy. Open to your guidance and go forth. Hold simplicity. Be and allow the doing to come from being. There is much for you to do but it must evolve from within you. Now is a time to shed your shackles and awaken. Unite with the light in a bond of friendship and fellowship.

Yours truly!

The Light and the power of the Divine