Sunday, March 31, 2013

Death and rebirth happen every day and all days. There are pieces of you released and recreated constantly. When you think of Passover or Easter remember this. Nothing is locked in place. You make choices and in your choices you have altered your reality and existence. You hold the keys to the Kingdom of the Heavens by who and what you are and how you are in your world. What you love and hate are deciders for you in all that you do and your presence. Know this! Be clear and choose wisely. Much rides on this here and now.

For those who consider themselves pure and clear in your religious values, know that ego, hatred and superiority will not help you find your answers. Humility, love, and compassion are where the answers will be held.

Blessings !


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Know yourself. This day and everyday, know yourself. There is much clutter around you. You find others challenge you and focus on their needs, wants and desires. When you are true to yourself and your path, you will know when to step away and when to engage. Your challenges come with holding your own integrity. When you are aligned it simply feels right and is right for you. There are many who are focused on getting you off course for their own desires or needs. You must be aligned and stay aligned. Stay in your own power and you will always know who you are and what you are. No one will ever get you off of your pathway. This becomes more and more important in the near future for all of humanity and all light beings.

Give yourself some quiet time to assess and reassess. Give yourself time to just be! This time will be valued above all times.


The Godhead

Friday, March 29, 2013

Each life force is sent where they are needed. Some forms of beings incarnate in cycles and some are assigned to where they are required to be. You must learn to be in your form that was chosen or assigned to you. It is like your space ship to help you navigate the worlds and frontiers that you inhabit. Each spirit holds a piece of the puzzle. Each is working on their own set of values and principles. Each is playing a role. You know that consciously and unconsciously you play your role. But do you understand why? No! Most of you don’t remember the whys. Your map lies within your navigation of life and existences. Follow your heart and what you know and feel is right for you. Let your senses guide you through all that is forced upon you and within you. You feel your way through all that is. Much is revealed as time approaches for you to know and be assigned. If you don’t know and understand something, it is because it is not necessary. Trust what is within you now and always.



Thursday, March 28, 2013

The earth changes, people change, societies change. This is something that is constant. Some changes you like and others you feel challenged with. You were brought here to be here at this very time. There are many choices that you must each resolve to find what is aligned and right for you. Many are worked up with what is taking place. This is not something that you must concern yourself with. Most light beings find politics difficult to participate in because you are not here for such rhetoric. You have been placed here to help on a much deeper plane of reality. You hold the keys to how mankind may evolve and work through what is near and dear to their hearts. The physical form is merely a shell. It is not who and what you really are. So, look beyond appearances and see the truth that presents itself to you beyond what you are shown and perceive. Your senses are the ways for you to be near and with whatever is showing up. You are here for much more than you believe and are aware of.


The Doge

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Many beings are sent to many different existences. Some are sent to your earth. Some are sent to other realms and dimensions. This is a time of transformation and you must realize that if you are from various light realms you were sent to be of help. You who were sent are not human or whatever you may appear to be. You are what you truly are. You know how the physical plane feels off to you. This is because it is not your home. You await the time where you are required to do your work or your piece in the Divine plan. Be patient with this. Spend this time remembering who and what you really are. This is not because you are greater or lesser than others. It is just who and what you are. You will find your path will be aligned soon. Much is in the works right now.


Yahweh and the Light

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Before you say yes to anything, step back, breathe and take a moment. This is a place where you try on something to see if it feels right to you. You are not blindly saying yes or no to something. This doesn’t require a long drawn out process. You are accessing your intuition to see what the answer needs to be for that moment. When you say yes or no based on this alignment, you will find that you are more apt to be where you need to be, when you need to be there and you are not cluttering your energy with things out of alignment for you.

Remember all real needs will be met perfectly. Many are focused on getting you to do what they want you to do. If you do the above technique, you will no longer be doing things that others want you to do that are not aligned with what is right for you. People can ask you for anything, you have the right to say yes or no. Usually, if people need to pressure you, they are not aligned and they are only focused on forcing you to do what they want. If someone needs to force you or coerce you, it is probably not something aligned with what is right for you. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t working for a noble cause, it just means it is not right for you.



Monday, March 25, 2013

If everyone has an agenda, what happens when you don’t resonate with the agenda of another? You see this happening over and over again. There are great conflicts among humanity because you are running into those people who hold different agendas from your own. You are each trying to manipulate others into meeting your needs and desires and doing what you want them to do or they are trying to get you to do what they want you to do. You have advertisers trying to get you to buy their products. You have bosses forming your day and what you must do for them and the company. You have a constant barrage of situations where you are being coerced into following someone else’s plan.

We have news for you. You are not here to follow the plans of another, unless you choose to. You are not here to force others onto your plan. In the course of working at a job for a corporation or for a boss, you are being paid to work for that person and to follow their agenda. So, you are creating a life where this is something you agree to do. There are many other agendas that you need to learn to step away from and assess what is right for you. Just because someone asks for something doesn’t mean you need to give it to them. Their needs will be met by those aligned with their needs. Remove guilt from the equation and release your stress. When you are clear and not stressed, you make better decisions. That will hold a better resonance for you and be in alignment with your goals and desires. You are responsible for staying in alignment with your journey. Each of you is responsible for your own journey.



Sunday, March 24, 2013

Most humans focus on agendas, time management, bringing people together and creating a busy schedule. When you really look at miracles and amazing things that happen in your life, do they happen according to your plan or do they just happen in synchronicity? We would venture to guess that things don’t happen according to a specific schedule. They do happen when energy is aligned and energy aligns more powerfully when you are not working from a linear place of control. Give yourselves times where you don’t have to be at a certain place at a certain time and have every moment planned out. How does that feel to you? Some will enjoy this exercise and others will feel stressed by it. Learning to fly and soar involves being present and in the moment. You all have it within you to create what you need. The light workers among you will not do your best work in a strict structure. You do your best work by showing up where you are needed and when you are needed with the intention of helping.

Know that each of you are on your own pathways and you will need to learn to navigate the physical plane in ways that work with your soul and the physical journey. There is no one size fits all. Let go of what is out of your control. Hold your intention of being aligned and see where new developments unfold.



Saturday, March 23, 2013

Expectations are a piece you all need to understand. You or someone else is expecting something to happen a certain way. Then, something happens to remove your plans and put things into a tail spin. How do you handle it? Some get really upset and won’t let go of their perception of what needs to happen. Others are able to adjust to the moment. There is a master plan, which often gets messed up because humans get into the ego need to control a situation. So, you may see how something needed to be in the flow or happen a certain way but some ego driven person makes a mistake or choice that is not aligned and outcomes change. Eventually, it all works out but there are twists and turns created that didn’t need to be there. Sometimes the twists and turns are exactly what needed to take place. You will know and feel the differences of what takes place versus what needs to take place.

You just need to step back for a minute and assess what needs to take place to know how to work with whatever needs to happen. You may still hold your focus on what is aligned and what you need to do in the moment and situation. The other pieces that show up may help you create a better boundary or refocus your energy as things come up. Thoughts and intentions hold a lot of power in what the course of your life looks like and your process. This is not about a right or wrong way. Attunement helps you work through whatever shows up.



Friday, March 22, 2013

What is important to you? What do you focus on? How is your day shaped around what is important to you and your true desired focus? Most people will profess that something is important to them and then spend their day around other energy that has nothing to do with their values or desires. If you ask them why, they tell you that they need to make a living or they come up with other excuses. True, all things show up when they are supposed to but if you are not devoting your energy to what is aligned with you, you will continue to do what you feel needs your focus and not what is aligned with your values and desires. As you tell the Universe that you don’t have time for what you desire, you will expand what you focus on. If that isn’t what you want in your life, you need to shift how your energy is spent.

For those who are caring for other people, see if there is a way to delegate some responsibility to other people. Find a way to create some balance so that you do have time for what is important to you. If you don’t know what is important to you, spend time evaluating that for yourselves. First, you must have clarity before you can create a life that is aligned with you and your spirit.

Last weekend, I met someone who told me that he was just open. There wasn’t a line to see him. What he invoked was too general and didn’t attract what was right for him. You can be open and make an invocation like, I attract the people who belong with me and the work that is aligned with my soul’s purpose. There is an open energy to that invocation but it streamlines the energy right for you. That creation will be much more fulfilling than just being open. I was focused on just being open to the flow. I realize the need to align the flow with my purpose. That seems to be the piece that makes things show up. Another way to focus the energy is ask what your focus needs to be for the day.



Thursday, March 21, 2013

I have been reading some books and articles written by people who are doing different spiritual and healing work. The behavior that struck me is that they often jump to human reactions to experiences and never stop to tune in and see what needs to happen in the moment. An example is that someone is ready to cross over and the “healer” blocks them from doing their journey because the “healer” is scared or wants to control the other person’s process. Or someone hears that a friend is missing or having some medical problem and then panics and places their own self in danger to get to the person they perceive needs them. If we don’t judge the experience, we can open up to how we can help with whatever needs to happen. Too often we assume we have the answer for something that we don’t even know the question for. As each of us grows and evolves, we know that all things happen as they need to. We don’t need to worry or stress over many situations. People will have the help that they need. The help is not always on the physical plane.

So, when things show up in your life, step back ask what you are supposed to do in the experience and how you can help. Don’t go into fear. Just breathe and see what your piece is in the moment. Pay attention to what comes through. This will allow you to play your real role in whatever is taking place. This process doesn’t need to take a long time. It just allows you to see things for what they are and not what you think they are.



Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Peace! Meditate on that word this day. What does that mean to you? What comes up for you when you visualize and tune into peace? Keep things simple. Find your way with simple and straight forward energy. The creation of much starts with simple thoughts. Be clear and focused.


The Godhead

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Know what is within you. You are not here to represent anyone but yourself or your origin energy. All is programmed within you and needs to be acknowledged to awaken. Source what is within you and you will find your answers and know what resonates and what is in alignment. Learn to read the codes within you and your answers come to you easily and abundantly. You were encoded with all that you need, you just need to remember how to decode that information.



Monday, March 18, 2013

We are getting ready for Easter and Passover. Since I am Jewish I was focused more on the purpose of Passover but this information also applies to the traditions of Easter. My question was why we practice the way that we practice the holiday.

Many religions have created ceremonies. The rituals are related to the sense of suffering. The focus is on the suffering. You see that your story of Passover is the Seder where you recount leaving Egypt and slavery. You have created dietary restrictions that make you identify with how difficult it was for the people to up and leave their country and slavery. However, you should be focused on the bravery and courage of your ancestors who left Egypt and followed a man into the wilderness to seek freedom and a new life for future generations. These same traits show up during the programs of Eastern Europe, the Inquisition of Spain and how many Jews were forced out of whatever land they settled in. There is an indomitable spirit of survival to seek a new and better way. This goes for any person willing to leave what they know in search of a better life.

In the case of Easter, people are focused on the death and rebirth of Christ but they don’t realize that they must each take responsibility for their own actions and the courage to stand up for your principles. It takes strength to follow your inner guidance. The focus here should be on great love and compassion for all. The man you celebrate was teaching love and compassion. He held no anger for those who were not ready for him and what he offered. This same fate followed Gandhi. He was killed because others felt threatened by him and what he represented. His last words were forgiveness. Look at all you have been taught through fresh eyes. Take away the important messages of courage and love.


Uriel and the Yahwehs

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I was looking at how certain things upset me and I asked for clarity about why I was upset. The answer that came through was this:

There are two principles that are taking place here. First, you assume that something has power over you that doesn’t have power over you. Second, you are placing your focus where someone wants you to direct it but not where it needs to be. When something shows up look at who you are giving power to and see if that person or situation really needs the power or if you are just giving it to the person or the situation. Next look at your focus and the focus of those around you. Then ask what the focus needs to be. You see with clarity and truth, at that point. Many will divert our attention to what they want instead of what is important. We see this with commercials and ads all of the time. This is a form of manipulation to get us to do something or behave a certain way. As you learn to refocus to the truly important piece, your work and world will change. Allow yourself to step back and evaluate what you are responding to in all instances and then see what is the better focus for you to handle and be with the situation. It gives you your power back and helps you create more authentically.



Saturday, March 16, 2013

This message is for those asking for how to move to the next phase of their lives. It is mainly for the light workers among you.

Blessed Ones,

Release your need for more stuff and belongings. This doesn’t mean that you will no longer have clothes, homes, apartments, money and possessions. This just means this is not the focus of your lives and work. Be with others and help mankind out. Release your agendas and need to control others and things and force them to your will. Simply show up and be where you need to be and be open to the moments and experiences. Your work will come through being with others and knowing them through love and compassion. You release judgment of the paths of others and no longer need to fix anyone. It isn’t about what you do but what you are. Each being has a role to play in the development of mankind and your careers will come out of your natures and what is within you. Allow your inner guidance systems to lead you where you need to be and help you navigate situations once you are there.



Friday, March 15, 2013

Replace fear with peace, love, compassion and light. Let all things be built upon that foundation. The tenants of mankind have been too long set on faulty premises. You have built a world based on fear and control through fear. It is time to replace that energy with love and compassion. Allow this change now and mankind will evolve. You will learn soon enough what is required of each of you. When you feel fear creep in, replace the thoughts with love and compassion. Let your light shine through each of you. None of you are meant to be lesser versions of yourselves. You are meant to be your best versions of yourselves.



I was talking with a friend a few days back and she was saying that we need struggle and conflict so that people will create competition with each other and then create new inventions. She expressed that if people were only coming from love that we would all be couch potatoes. These are faulty notions because people would still feel the need to create and develop new ideas. We would still feel the need to connect with others and engage with others. If we had the foundations of fear replaced with love, we would no longer view people as our competition or enemies. We would view them through love and support each person’s personal growth and experiences. We would help each other succeed instead of looking for ways to prevent others from blossoming. We wouldn’t need to harm anyone who was different from us because we would celebrate the differences and just love each other. We still wouldn’t feel the need to connect with everyone because we don’t belong with everyone. However, we would nurture all beings in some way or other. This would lead to the model of us each being our best selves, which is the true goal and can only help society and the world. We would no longer push agendas that were harmful for life on the planet and the earth. We know that children and adults thrive when they are surrounded in unconditional love and shown how to do their best. Changing the models we work from will create a different world. All signs point to the survival of mankind and the earth resting on us replacing fear with love.



Thursday, March 14, 2013

When someone is focused on money and accumulation of wealth and things, they are focused on the physical plane. They equate success and happiness to things and possessions. There may be a spiritual side to them but they are not focused on cultivating that energy. They are focused on the illusions of the physical existence. This can be in alignment with their reason for being on the earth. So, we don’t judge this behavior. It is just one way of being on the earth plane.

When people are focused on cultivating the spiritual self in the physical plane, they are not creating the opposite energy or poverty. Many believe that to be spiritual that you must be poor. That is not true. Those who are truly aligned with their spiritual journey on the earth plane will still have nice things and be able to manifest wealth but it is a byproduct of their creations and not the focus of the creations. The difference being is those on their spiritual path of creation will be happy and content with whatever they have. Their happiness and contentment is not dependent on things or proving to others what they have. They find enjoyment will each piece of life and each experience.

People who need the “best of everything” or the most expensive items are always focused on getting more without appreciating what they have. The thought process is different and the focus is different. There are wide spectrums and variations in people and their paths. Each of you must follow the pathway that is right for you. Just remember that not all people belong with you and you don’t belong with all people. Focus on your own path and desired creations and all will fall into place. There is no need to convince anyone of what is right for you . The only one in charge of what is right for you is you.



Wednesday, March 13, 2013

People have come into your world for many reasons. Some are focused on impressing others. Some are focused on how much wealth and possessions that they can accumulate. This is part of trying to impress others. You may enjoy possession on the earth but you have no need for this in other existences. Some of you are here to help others. Some of you are connected to your spirit’s needs and ways. Some of you hold various mixtures. One way is not necessarily better than the other.

It is far better to be who and what your are. There is no need to be someone who must manipulate others to get what you want. Trust the right people to appear. Trust your life to unfold. If you are truly aligned with your purpose, all will work out beautifully. You may not understand this in your physical form. There is no reason to fear any of this. Focus on peace, love and compassion. Learn to be with others without any agenda. See people for who and what they are and make your decisions from there. Always look for the truth and release those people and situations that are not aligned with your purpose and life. You will know what truly feels right.


The Godhead

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I have been hearing the message lately to forget what I think I know. That there is much going on beyond what we believe we know. So, I asked a variety of questions and was just open.

Many will ask me the names of their guides. What came through was that some people have guides with names but many have guides who have no need for labels and some have collective forces working with them that have no need of a label. They say to know them by how they feel and the information that comes through. Those who are given names are not more advance than those who have no names for their teams or energies that work with them.

I asked about religion and was told that the tenants that they wish us to follow are peace, love and compassion. We should not put our focus to any other energies. They ask us to release doctrine in favor of peace, love and compassion. God resides in a higher vibration. Violence and anger is a lower vibration. So, if we wish to connect with God, we need to raise our vibrations and be honoring and loving to all life and all that exists. Each must follow what is right for them but if you truly wish to find God, you must raise your vibration.

I asked about what fuel is best and this answer will vary from person to person. So, you must find what your own body needs. The individual’s answers will come from some variation of real food. It will not be from synthetic creations but consuming products that are what they are meant to be.

Each of you may start formulating your own questions and find that the answers will come to you through your senses. Remember to ask for the answers in a way that you can understand them. Many things are about to change on a huge scale. So, it becomes imperative for each person to be able to pick up their own answers. It will serve you better than being dependant on a person to interpret your answers for you.


Ken and his group/team

Thursday, March 7, 2013

You are each unique beings. You are from your own composition of energy. So, when you try to create or experience something, it will have its own unique properties and ways of activating. You must each discover how you receive your information and you must also discover what is the energy you need to work through and from. You may find these answers in meditation. Allow the answers to come through to you and then experiment with what comes through. This makes more sense to you, as you learn to work with this.

Each of you is meant to have what you need for your life purposes. So, when something isn’t showing up, it is either because you don’t need it, it may not be time for it to show up or you are not using the energy that is your creation energy. Ask those questions and see what comes through to you. Timing is right when it is right and not before. So, be aware of this. Energy is aligned when it is aligned. You can’t force creations and hold a true benefit from it.

Many will claim that they are ready for something but in fact, they are not ready for it. Many will hold attachments to something or that it must be their way. This is ego energy. Open to the energy and see what comes through to you. Your pieces of the puzzle will avail themselves to you. Trust and all will be just as it needs to be.

