Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Arise fair children of the light. Let you light shine out into your world. Unite in fellowship, love and compassion. Be a shining beacon of light, healing and beneficence. Awaken what is within you. This is now the time for you to bring light out into your world. There is enough darkness spread by fear and limiting beliefs and behaviors. Fear nothing. Know that you will be magnificent in your process and your light. You have many gifts to offer now. Be of the light and you will never need to worry again. Allow others the freedom to be who and what they are. You are evolving from within and around your own light energy and forces. Your physical form is just a shell that you borrow to be among mankind. You offer your gifts and there will be those who accept them and others who want nothing to do with them. Fear not! For you will attract those who belong with you and among you. Light attracts much. Filter out what doesn't belong and you will be aware of what does belong.


The Noahs

Monday, April 29, 2013

Speak your truth! When you do this, you are being aligned. You don’t do this so that others will change or have any specific reaction. You do this so that you are clear. You do this so that you may follow the destiny that is before you. Some people will fall away and others will come to be near you. This will help you clear away that which doesn’t belong with you. It is important to release what doesn’t belong so that you have space for what does belong. It is important for you to know who and what you are. We wish you to create more authentically.

As a caveat, there is nothing true about people who would wish harm on another or a group of people. There is nothing of love or light in that thought process. It might be how someone was conditioned to think but it is not truly in their soul. This is an ego being. We are giving you exercises to help you align with your soul and light being self. So, if that is not the path you wish to follow, be aware that you might not find these ponderings helpful. We do not seek to harm anyone but to help those who wish to grow in the light. Each of you must follow your own pathways.



Sunday, April 28, 2013

Love! Think about this word and this energy. What does real love mean to you? How have you been train to think about love? What is being reflected to you related to love? Do you feel lovable and deserving of love? Do you love yourself? Try bringing love from within you out into the world with no expectation of what will come. Spend some time with the energy and let it emanate from you. Don’t judge others or what you think you are seeing. This assignment is just to be love with no conditions or expectations. Spend some real time with this assignment. You may find it is difficult or it is easy. This is not dependant on anyone else or their reactions. You are doing this for you. Start asking how you would do something, if you truly loved yourself. Start stepping back and ask if you are being loving in your actions and what you are brining out into the world. You are in control of yourself and no one else. Know this and explore this.



Saturday, April 27, 2013

Development! Think about this word and what you need to develop. Many of you are aware that there are changes and shifts taking place. What do you need to help you prepare for what is next? What is your soul longing to do? Be open and tune into this. See what comes through. What needs to happen for you to move into your next phase? What do you perceive as holding you back? Spend some time with this thought process. Don’t blame others. Ultimately, you hold the key to moving forward and growing. Are you scared to grow and take a chance? How is that working for you? Be open and honest in this process and see what manifests.


The Godhead

Friday, April 26, 2013

There are times that you may need to make difficult decisions. There are times where something isn’t working out for you and others around you. When this shows up, you must be willing to make changes. You can’t ignore the problems and issues. You need to come up with what will work better in the future.

There is nothing wrong with leaving situations that don’t seem to want to change and evolve. It frees all of you to move on and create something much more in alignment. Change scares many of you but there is nothing wrong with making changes. We ask you to move beyond the suffering model. Taking jobs because you are fearful no longer works. Staying in situations because you are fearful, no longer works. There are many options for you to explore and you will find what feels right. Just keep the faith and be willing to try new things. Follow your destinies.



Thursday, April 25, 2013

When you are creating, we ask that you move past fear. We have spoken of this before. Release your sense of urgency. Stop comparing yourself to others and what you think their abilities are and what you think that they can do. You have no competition. You are not here on the earth to measure up to anyone’s expectations. You are here to be with others just as you are. Know that you are more than good enough. If things are not working, it is because you are trying to fit into what others expect you to be and do instead of what is in alignment.

Don’t try and force others to be with you. Don’t try and force yourself into a job that feels off. Find instead the people who feel right to be around and the work that feels aligned with your soul. Something is out there to fit your skill set and abilities. When you do the work that is aligned, you will feel energized and charged. Seek your vocation and not just a job. You can do the day job, while you find yourself and your passion.


The Yahwehs

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I was doing a meditation on hands on healing and some activation of different centers. The information that came through might help some of you.

On hands on healing, what came through was: Touch people with love. You are sending the energy of love into people who are in need of this. Illness and problems come from fear or energy blocks. You must not be scared to touch someone and be with someone. This applies to working with animals or plants. Tune into love before you start any process. You are not judging the person, animal or energy for whatever has been created. You are not trying to fix or change them. You are just touching them with pure and utter love. Much can change, when pure love is made available.

As far as activation of energy centers or whatever else you might want to connect with or affect, you may also use love and see what takes place. There might be some other activation energy and that will reveal itself to you, as you tune in. Each of you has various catalysts for different things. Start with love and go from there.

Stop buying into what is being presented in your world. Allow the other forces to be what they are. Focus on being in the love energy and sharing love with your world. You might find this is not right for you. If so, something else will reveal itself to you. So, there is no need for worry or concern. We just offer this to you.



Tuesday, April 23, 2013

People get into trouble, when they try to make something into what they want it to be instead of what it really is. We do this with people and situations all of the time. How does this really work for us? Yet we all do this pattern in some form or another. It is better to see people and situation for what they really are. It helps you know where you stand with the person and situation. Then, you can make a clearer and better decision on how to be with someone and how to proceed with the situation.


the Godhead and Ken

Monday, April 22, 2013

Look at what you have control over and what you have no control over. We know that there are things that upset you and if you are honest, you have no control over whatever took place.

Whatever shows up, you will be able to work through it and handle it. So, take a breath and step back from what you have no control over. Handle what you do have control over.


The Light

Sunday, April 21, 2013

When you notice things showing up in various patterns, pay attention to the patterns. Ask what the message is from what is showing up. This pattern may seem like it is showing up to frustrate you but if the same thing happens time and again, there is a message there for you. As you notice the patterns, you can learn what they are trying to tell you. Your life is less frustrating when you are able to do things consciously. Certain things are not coincidence, they are really the Universe giving you a message. Humans get caught up in the rules and regulations that businesses and governments create. Some of the rules can be helpful others are not in alignment with spirit. So, it is up to each to pay attention to the messages you get, as you proceed in your day. There may be an alternative way to proceed so that something complies with the legalities that your societies have created.

It is easy to go into fear with certain things but we caution you not to. The endeavor is to shift into love based ways. So, kindness and compassion will serve you better than anything else in all that you do. This doesn’t mean that people get to take advantage of you. This means that we want all beings to operate from kindness and compassion. You can’t control others. You can only control aspects of yourself.



Saturday, April 20, 2013

In your evolutionary process, you will notice how much changes in your lives and the way you exist. You go through different parts of your life where you hold many various forms of focus and attention. You intention changes and evolves. What is important to you will change and evolve. Your gifts and talents will change and evolve. Don’t mourn what you could do in the past and may feel that you can no longer do. Celebrate what you are able to do right here and how. The changes that you undergo are part of your own human growth. It allows you to connect with those you need to work with and be with right here and now. Never regret anything. You don’t know how it served another. You are not always the best judge of what is taking place and why it is taking place. If you are truly doing your best in each moment, that is perfect. You will have the chance to make another choice or decision in your future. Each moment holds new potential. If something doesn’t work out with one person, you have other people and opportunities to try again.

The main thing to realize is each moment is new. Do your best with each moment and all will work out just as it needs to. You are not here for everyone. Open to those you are meant to connect with and be with. Open to the work you are meant to do and be present. Create the life that is aligned with your soul and purpose. Start each day and end each night with aligning to your true path and purpose. See how your life evolves from there.



Friday, April 19, 2013

Many assume what will happen in events. You will look to predict timing or you worry about what could happen. This is not a valuable use of your time and efforts. Instead focus on what is now. Enjoy the people who are in your life. Be thankful for those who step out of the box and show up in dependable ways who take the burden from you. Value the people who go out of their way in your life. Show people that you appreciate them and what they are doing right here and now. Don’t worry so much about tomorrow. Many things could happen but rarely do they happen. If the worst case scenario does take place, you will know just how to handle it. So, take life as it comes. Have your hopes and dreams but don’t worry if something else happens or takes place. Your life is a remarkable adventure and you are part of the amazing journey.



Thursday, April 18, 2013

Blessed Ones,

Learn to release your expectations and your perceived outcomes. You will find out how it all ends when the end comes. You will be able to see some future events and your part of those events but much of the outcomes will not be revealed until you have crossed over and are doing your life review. Your work now is in the present moment. Be where you are and who you are. It will work out just as it needs to work out, in whatever experience you are in. Many have their doubts about what we share with you. Your real power resides in the exact moment you are standing in.

Ask for guidance for the moment. Ask for how to be with something and navigate something in the moment. Say yes to only what you wish to say yes to and allow others to take responsibility for their own creations. You will know how to be in your world much better when you learn these principles.


Yahweh and the Godhead

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Everything can change in a moment. Many of you feel like you are stuck and that you are unhappy with the way things are. Many of you assume that what you currently have is what you will continue to have. There is very little that is fixed. All things can change in a blink of the eye. So, there is no reason to feel that you are stuck. Take each moment as it is and as it is meant to be. If you don’t like something, know that it can change instantly. Show up for each moment. Do your best and if you don’t like something focus on what you would like. Imagine having that or being in that existence. Enjoy the people in your life, while they are in your life. Get the most of each moment of each day.



Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How do people rewrite the story that they have created?

Start by looking at what you desire as your existence and way of being. Be clear and be focused. Look at each moment and refocus to what you desire. The clue is in your reactions and behaviors. If you change your ways of being with others and you are clear about what works for you and what doesn’t work for you, you can easily change your story. Stop feeding the energy that you don’t desire and feed instead the energy that you do desire. This can be the same for your thoughts and processes. This takes some focus to get going but once in the flow, it becomes easier. You are creating a new pattern. Also, stop repeating the story that you wish to release. Talk about the story you wish to replace. This helps you dissolve the old and create the new.



Monday, April 15, 2013

To evolve to what you need to be, strip away the illusions and the conditioning. Source your true essence. Release those who are not meant to be with and around you. Be open. You are what you need to be but you often convolute that energy to fit in or be the energy that others demand of you.

When you learn to truly be who and what you are, you have no need to adjust to others. Your ways are the ways of the light. Find your core truth. Find your core being. Allow yourself to truly shine and be. Release the attachment of who and what you think you need. You will find a sense of freedom in this energy.


The Godhead

Sunday, April 14, 2013

When things show up that seem to block our progress and our path, how do we navigate this and stay on course?

Look not at the appearances of something. Look instead at truth. Seek to find how you are to play your role in the moment and stay centered and grounded. There is much chaos among mankind right now. Many seek to alter and control much of what takes place through their fears and concerns. You notice how many will manipulate to get their way. If you know truth in the moment, you will know how to make clearer and better decisions. There is no need to read into the pain and fears of others. You hold your peace and truth and you know what is expected of you and how to proceed. Go beyond appearances and seek your connection with light and source. Let that guide you in all that you are and do. If in chaos, take a moment to find your core and seek out the guidance available to you. This doesn’t need to take a long time. I may just be a brief moment to ground and find your answer. You must find the right decision within you and act accordingly.

No one truly blocks your path or progress. They may only detain you in the moment. Those on the ego path don’t understand what they are doing because they only know the outcome that they want in a given moment. When you come from spirit, you realize that there is no real sense of time but only the moment.


The Godhead

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Many things go back and forth. People make decisions that alter a course or change and outcome. The laws of the Universe are being rewritten to help people with these changes and you are noticing how the way to make things appear has changed. We are affecting changes from multiple levels and you are all instrumental in this rewriting of time and space.

Focusing on love is a way to help support these changes and this period of growth. This may seem challenging, based on what you see and hear in the news. The outcomes on the human level may vary but the spirit is untouched. Infuse love into each and every situation. This is the most powerful thing that you can do without any attachments. Bring love and light into each moment of each day. You will know how to find your way out of whatever is now taking place. Don’t get caught in what appears to be taking place. What you see is only in appearance and not in truth. You may be asked to be shown truth in all that is.



Friday, April 12, 2013

Ways are shifting and changing. What you have been taught and believe you know are not necessarily so. Labels and forms of doing things will shift and change. Now is a time of rebirth. Allow the new to form and learn to let go of the old ways. Don’t get bogged down in the judgments you have been taught. The new is truly forming. Many of you know that you may no longer do things as you have in the past. You are discovering what doesn’t work and awaiting the new ways to help you understand how to create in the new order of things.

Fear and love seem separated but the energies are from the same creation force. Love allows fear to exists because the choice has always been in human nature. You will find your ways are changing shortly. Know you always have choices. To be more aligned make choices from love and not fear. That will help you manifest the new order sooner rather than later.


Noah and the Light

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Blessings to all of you who read these words. Be at peace and know that you are being prepared for this great change about to take place. You may feel more tired right now or you might feel guided to do something specific. Know this is part of this shifting taking place. Be open and focus on aligning to your soul’s destiny. Attune your mind, body and spirit to your soul and spirit. Let the energy form and take place in your life. Release the need to manipulate or control another. You never know what role they play in the moment. Your destinies are taking shape and soon you will find you are in a new world and in new ways. You don’t need to worry about this change or fear this change. You are being prepared for the new world right here and now.

Don’t continue to force things that are not working out for you. Learn to let go of what isn’t working and open to what needs to be done in a specific day and time. The old ways no longer work and the new ways are taking form.


The Godhead

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A recurrent theme seems to be coming up about not saying yes to something that is wrong for you. People will try and talk you into something that is out of alignment for you. The people trying to talk you into doing something have their own agenda and it could be for a very loving reason or just their desire to have you fit their agenda. We each need to assess whether something is right for us and learn to say no to what is not right for us. You always have the choice of saying yes or no. Make sure you take some time to tap into your inner knowing and ask how you should respond to a request. When you say yes to things that are right for you and no to things not right for you, you will end up seeing more miracles and be more aligned. Don’t allow people to talk you into saying yes to something that isn’t right for you. You don’t need to please everyone. Life will work out much better for you, when you learn to check in and respond accordingly.

People will often ask me how to get on their path. By learning to only say yes to things that come through as a yes, you will find you end up more on your path. Look at what is aligned with your goals, dreams and desires and then ascertain whether you are making choices in alignment with your soul’s desires. You will see how your life starts to change pretty quickly. You will also notice that you have much more energy and enjoy your life better.



Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Many assume what will happen in events. You will look to predict timing or you worry about what could happen. This is not a valuable use of your time and efforts. Instead focus on what is now. Enjoy the people who are in your life. Be thankful for those who step out of the box and show up in dependable ways who take the burden from you. Value the people who go out of their way in your life. Show people that you appreciate them and what they are doing right here and now. Don’t worry so much about tomorrow. Many things could happen but rarely do they happen. If the worst case scenario does take place, you will know just how to handle it. So, take life as it comes. Have your hopes and dreams but don’t worry if something else happens or takes place. Your life is a remarkable adventure and you are part of the amazing journey.


I was asking some information about my source and then what energies work with me and who I am hear to work for. The way the information came through was interesting. Many light workers think that they are doing work for their source energy but that is not how it came through. What came through is the information about my source and who I was here to work for. There were other energies asking to be represented in my home; not so they could work with me but so that they could create a grid energy in my home. So, the information was about how we were placed in specific zones to channel or source energy for others. There is some shift in how we are meant to be on the earth and do our work. We may be surrounded by various beings who may just be around us and not work with us or for us.

You already are your source energy. You have your specific form and gifts for a reason. It is important to allow the energy to come through you. Your assignments will show up at the perfect time and in the perfect way.



Monday, April 8, 2013

I was recently doing some traveling. One message that was really clear was when I was where the Universe wanted me to be on the timing of the Universe, that is when miracles showed up. When I was at places because of the timing of others or agendas of others, it felt off and stifling. When we are in the flow, we are connected with those that are meant to be with us and when we are not all around us will feel that things are not as they should be. You can tell by how you feel in different situations and places. It doesn’t mean that you can’t do good work in other situations. It just means that you will notice how things work as if my magic, when you are where you are meant to be and doing what you are guided to do.



Sunday, April 7, 2013

We were asked the question about how this blog had been completed and now we are giving new messages. The energy of the blog has shifted now as new formations take place. What you see in your world is not what is taking place. What you see and how people try to focus your attention is not what we see happening. You are fixed in illusions and beliefs that are the creation of mankind. When you are being readied for your work, you must learn to look beyond what you see in your world as a sense of reality.

To access what is really the focus, you must pay attention to your energy and senses. Use those senses to look beyond what appears. How does the energy feel? You are looking for energy that feels aligned and feels good to you. Don’t get trapped in what your old programming has told you. That is not your reality base. The real reality base is far beyond anything you have been taught to recognize. There are senses beyond the human senses. Source all of your intuitive selves and guidance to help you prepare for what is next. You are ready for what is now to be. If you are frustrated or stressed, you are in the old and not the new. The clues are all around you. Prepare yourselves to live the intuitive way. This will help you move beyond the illusions. It will help you know people for who and what they are without the pretenses. It opens up your telepathic ways. That will remove the veils.



Saturday, April 6, 2013

Now are the new beginnings. Start fresh! Release the past and be present. The future is not yet formed and much is being redesigned. Much of what you see in the news is the old energy of mankind. Many are holding onto anger, hatred and violence but that is not where your attention needs to be focused. Focus instead on peace, love, compassion. Reprogram yourselves to this new way. Watch how the evolution takes place from the new. To help create the new, you must release the old ways. Where you place your attention and intention, you help expand the rest. Your futures await you.


The Godhead

Friday, April 5, 2013

See people, things and situations for what they are. Be honest with what is taking place. Don’t try and obscure something or assume it is something different from what it is. Don’t make excuses for what something is and how you want it to be something different. Don’t try and change others. They are who and what they are. The innate being is not going to change. The only one who can create change is the individual because they truly want to change. People don’t change for other people. People change because it serves them to change.

Learn to let go of what needs to be released without having to create a fight or angst. When you let go of what needs to be released, you create an openness for new energy and energy aligned with you. Holding onto what isn’t yours will never truly work.


The Godhead

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Look at what is in your control and what is out of your control. Utilize control over what you actually control and surrender the need to control what isn’t under your control. Many times people try to control things that they have absolutely no control over. This only creates frustration. You can make decisions based on what is happening to you and with you. You have no control over other people or certain timing. There are many variables that can alter things. You do your part of the equation and then go from there. You never know how things are working in the grander scheme. There may be a reason something is showing up a certain way.



Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Home is a value that we all hold but home means different things for different people. What does home mean to you? Home is within you as well as a physical place. Spend some time tuning into home and what that is for you. There is no right or wrong for this piece. It is just away of bringing your attention to something that many hold great value in.

A quick thought can be profound.



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Fun is of major importance in all of life. You must find enjoyment in who and what you are and what you do in life. Touch others with love and appreciation. Be of kindness and compassion. Spread joy in your day and very existence. As you are happier, those around you will feel inspired to find their own happiness and joy. Relearn to play and be in the simple pleasures right here and now. The past is over, the future doesn’t exist. The here and now is what you have to work with and through. So, make it fun and joyous. Find the fun in the mundane. Find happiness is the all. It is well within you to do this.


Yahweh and the Truth Seekers

Monday, April 1, 2013

Fun is of major importance in all of life. You must find enjoyment in who and what you are and what you do in life. Touch others with love and appreciation. Be of kindness and compassion. Spread joy in your day and very existence. As you are happier, those around you will feel inspired to find their own happiness and joy. Relearn to play and be in the simple pleasures right here and now. The past is over, the future doesn’t exist. The here and now is what you have to work with and through. So, make it fun and joyous. Find the fun in the mundane. Find happiness is the all. It is well within you to do this.


Yahweh and the Truth Seekers