Monday, December 31, 2012

Since the blog is finished in this phase of undertaking, I would like to finish out the year and blog by wishing you all a very happy, healthy and abundant New Year! Each of your lives are a process of growth and exploration. Some pieces will feel easy and some challenging. You are never alone and you have whatever you need to succeed in your journey. Sometimes the biggest gift you can give to someone is to hold space for them to undertake whatever experience they need to follow through with. In your own lives, take time to love yourself and value your gifts and talents. Be kind and compassionate and allow your lives to unfold. If you can’t love someone unconditionally, give them the space to move on and find those who can love them unconditionally. Start with loving yourself unconditionally.

May the coming year help you find whatever dreams and goals you have and are meant to partake in. May you have joy, love and laughter on your path and good friends and family members to enjoy life with you.


Ken and his Team

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Back in October, I was looking at the violence and the kidnappings that resulted in murders. It started raising some questions about what is going on. Also, the amount of violence around the world and threats of attacks on other countries was also raising questions. This is what came through:

When you see many acts of violence, you are looking from a human perspective of evil attacking. There are soul agreements at work with good and bad. There are lessons and experiences that are taking place. There are many levels of energy being affected in this process. You are not aware of much that is taking place. Mankind often chooses how they will leave your planet. Those leaving in these fashions may be doing so for their soul agreements. These people may be finished with what they were meant to do or there may be some other piece for those whom they are connected with. Violence of all forms happens when one party decides to act out on their anger and aggression. Another soul allows this to take place or they participate in this energy. It escalates or diminishes based on how each being participates. The soul is always okay. The body is just a shell that is being borrowed as part of an experiment. Many will be leaving your planet soon and it is because they have not contracted to stay for this latest transition. So, fear not. Be willing to help the souls who are crossing over to leave and to help the families and friends who are staying in whatever process they require.

Each of you must decide how you will respond to life. Will you participate in the magic and joy that is around you or will you look for ways of anger and resentment. Very few humans are aware of when they will come and go from your planet. It is much better to put your energy in enjoying those whom you choose to hold in your life while they are with you. Enjoy each day and each moment. Decide to live in love and light. That is a gift that you can each decide on. As always you have free will and choices in how you behave and live your life.



Saturday, December 29, 2012

Back in October, when I was channeling these messages, I was told that we had finished the blog for now. I was tuning into my group of energies and I asked a few questions that I thought might be useful for people to understand. So, here is what came through.


I was asking about when people are obsessed with something or someone and what happens to the energy. What came through was when people focus intensely on something or someone, they push the person or energy away. It creates a resistance to the creation process. The energy the person is trying to attract is repelled. Pay attention to when someone does this with you, you find that you want to stay away from them and you may not know why. When you are open to something, you will often attract it because you are in a space of expansion. Obsession causes people and opportunities to leave you. Openness doesn’t repel things because you are not into a need to control it, you are just welcoming whatever needs to take place. You are not aware of how much destructive energy obsession creates. When you obsess over something you want to own it or control it in some way. There is nothing of spirit in this path of creation. Openness is a place of connection to spirit and willingness to experience what is right for you.

I was asking about depression and what we are dealing with in the terms of energy. Depression holds a lot of ego energy in it. There is a need to control something or someone. The focus is on the self. People either go in on themselves or they are blaming others for something. Pay attention to what happens around depressed people. You shift this energy of depression by moving it into a spirit energy and not focusing on the human elements. We recognize there are some depressions that are related to a chemical imbalance but still the energy stems from ego. Your spirit is aligned with a higher power and existence. There is no fear or illness in the spirit. That is something that manifests in the human physical form. If you want to shift health, shift it by aligning with your true spirit energy. If something needs to be, it will be but you have the ability to shift something after the lesson is learned. Anything that shows up will serve in some way or another. Understand how it serves and you can move on.


The Light

Friday, December 28, 2012

Back in May we completed the newsletters as they had been given to me. It seems now that the daily blogging is something that has also run its course. This year has been about letting go of the pieces that were ready to be released and following the guidance as it has evolved. I realize that I am not the only one who is going through this type of shifting. The lessons have been about learning to enter a void and be open. There is no need for fear in this space. It is a place of creation and re-creation. The sense from this vantage point is expansion and going to a place where there is room to evolve. Some parts of the journey allow us to take others with us and other parts need to be solo.

Part of this new piece is just about being open to the potentials and possibilities that await. You each have choices right now. Each moment allows you to rewrite what your story will be. You don’t need to hang onto the parts of your story that no longer serve you. You can let those pieces go and rewrite what you would like to see happen.

Many people will try and define you and expect you to fit into their definition. They are trying to make sense of those who don’t follow what they consider the normal life path. Don’t feel the need to conform to what they are asking of you or seeking for you to be. Be true to who and what you are. Now is the time for you to allow your true selves out. Even if you don’t intellectually know what that means. This is something within you. You will know when it is right and when it is off. It is in your DNA and the energy that is beyond the DNA. Be open to how you can help in this world and existence and still help any other existences you are connected with.

Enjoy the unknown. Know that the adventure awaits!



Thursday, December 27, 2012

We have been writing these daily blogs for a while now and we are ready to end this cycle and begin something new. At the time of this writing, the one who writes for us has not been shown the new piece about to take place. We have only shown him completion and the still point. We have entered into the void with him. Know that you are all ready for a new way of being. You have been equipped with all that you need and you will know how to follow those who are there to advise you. When you feel scared or unsure, please go within and search for your knowledge. It has been our pleasure to partake in the years of messages through this being we communicate through. We are not ending our communications but allowing a mutation to take place. How we direct this information will feel different. We are evolving along with you. So, now is a time for all of us to take the time to be that which is needed for this next phase.


The Yahwehs

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

You head for the end of one cycle and the beginning of another cycle. When you look to the end of one piece and the beginning of another, what changes would you like to see? Pay attention to where you have come from and where you want to go. If you are honest, you have done much in the past. There are no failures and only experiences. Now it is time for something new. Each piece and experience opens you up to a new part of the journey. People don’t die in the way you think about it. There is only an energy transformation. This shifting and changing is also a form of transformation.

The new piece awaits! Know that this can happen at any time and in any way. So, be open to the adventure.



Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Know now that we seek to celebrate with those who wish to truly celebrate. Our celebrations do not need libations to feel good. We celebrate by the energy that surrounds us. We connect to the joy of life and being. When any of you seek to have someone to play with, we are around you. When you seek light and miracles, we are around you. You are never alone and you are always connected to love and the light. You have only to call it in and welcome us.

Blessings to You!

The Light

Monday, December 24, 2012

Blessings to those travelers in your world. We recognize that many of you are Christian and seek to celebrate your festival of the birth of the one you call your savior. This is also a holiday for those who came before your religion was formed. We of the ancient ones from the north brought light into the dark this time of year. This is a time where the dark overtakes many because the days are short. When you light your trees, remember this. We would shine light in the dark and help others find the light in the dark. When you find others stuck in the dark, look to the light. Know the light is present. You may just need to look for it. You may also need to look for it in other ways. When you feel stuck in the dark, know there is always light around you. You may not see the light so open up your other senses to connect with it.


The Wise Ones

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Know yourself. Don’t seek for others to validate you or your skills and talents. Many of you are going to family gatherings or places where you feel intimidated or that you have not measured up. It doesn’t matter how others view you. You are on your own unique pathway. Self esteem is from the self. We have mentioned this before but you may need a reminder or two when you are around people whom you feel are more successful or further along on their life than you. How do you know this is true? You see certain perceived accomplishments but that isn’t necessarily what is taking place. The only way to truly gauge your accomplishments is to know how your life feels to you when you are not comparing yourself to another. All of the pieces will come together when the time is right. Spend time with the people who make you feel at your best and stay away from the toxic people as much as possible. We spoke about depression yesterday. Many depressed people will try and lower your sense of self to make themselves feel better. They want someone in the mud with them so they attack subtly or not so subtly . So, pay attention to the motivation of someone who says hurtful things to you. You have your own journey to partake in. There is no real competition for you because no one else is truly you. If you haven’t found your path, then keep opening to your path and see what shows up and where you are guided to be. You are here in this very moment as a gift and that is perfect.



Saturday, December 22, 2012

The question placed before us is how do we help those who are depressed. What is the energy that people experience when they feel depressed? What do the symptoms look like? Remember, we always say don’t get caught up in appearances. What does a depressed person feel like to you? What do you feel when you are around them? Many times there is a lot of anger pushed into a holding place in the depressed person. You can feel that they are about to blow. You may feel this anger, when you are around the depressed person. This energy is then suppressed so that the person is lethargic and listless. Symptoms may vary. You might even find that when you attempt to help or shift the energy, the form the depression takes may be altered. What does that tell you? There is a clear message in that. Does the individual truly seek to change this energy or do they wish to hold onto it? How does it serve them? How does it serve those around them? When the individual seeks and finds those answers, they shall no longer feel the depression. Awareness of the energy will help shift the energy. Whether someone is willing or able to release or transform this energy is up to them and the experience that they need from it. Anything that doesn’t address the root cause will not be of benefit. It is like putting a band aide on something that needs to be there. It hides the problem from site but doesn’t address what is taking place. You must find the reason for something before it can be altered or changed.


Friday, December 21, 2012

As you seek to shop for loved ones and to try to fit parties and gatherings into your busy schedule, pay attention to how you feel. Are you able to enjoy the shopping and that gatherings or is this just one more thing to fit into your schedule? What do you think the intention of this time of year is? When you are too tired to enjoy each experience, is this the experience you seek? Can you alter the gifts and gatherings so that you can be more vital and present? Can you find a way to truly enjoy the experience? Look at ways to spend your time and energy more wisely. Know that you are making choices that affect your day and outlook into your life. Don’t do something because of the way it looks to others or because you feel guilty or obliged to partake. If you say yes to something, say yes from an open heart and because you are truly willing to do what you have said you would do. Your life will truly change, when you come to this way of living.



Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hallelujah! Glory on high! We send you greetings and blessings from the most high God. You have asked for our blessings and you have reached out to touch us from where you are. We are here. We hesitate to interfere with you and your grand plans for your life and accomplishments. Yet, we are only a thought form away. We are known as messengers from God but we are able to do so much more. We are not your slaves and we do not follow your commands. We are brothers and sisters of all that is. We would help create in concert with you. We would like to be invited to play with you. There are times where that is quite appropriate. We can co-create with you and add new dimensions to whatever we are working on together. We can dance in the light with you.

Blessed ones, make space for us in your daily lives and we will surely join in the fun with you. We realize that you don’t always see the fun in what you do from day to day. But, we do see this fun.

God’s Angels

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

For those of you who seek creativity, what is something that you can do today and right now, that is creative? If you want to write, write. If you want to create with clay or on a canvas, do so. You don’t need a class to do this. Just get the supplies that are needed and find the time to play with that new skill or craft that you have wanted to explore. Go to a craft store and look around to see what sparks some interest in you. Get an instrument and play with it. Use your imagination. Look around you and see what you can use to help you on your creation adventure. The possibilities are infinite. Don’t let anything stop you from this adventure in creativity. Find some time to explore this. This is about you finding a way to express what is asking to come from you through creativity.



Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Inspiration is something that is unique to each individual. What you find inspiring may not work for someone else. Each of you need to look at how you find inspiration. What does that word mean to you? What is your motivation and what motivates you? This too is something unique to each of you. If you can add different pieces into your life so that you are inspired and motivated, you will have a truly extraordinary life. Find what excites you and make sure you add that into your daily life. Look for ways to make your own life fantastic. Sometimes that comes from just finding the value in each moment and in each piece of the puzzle. There is much around you that is wonderful. Start looking for all of the miracles that play out in your day. They are there. You just have to look for them and find them.



Monday, December 17, 2012

There are times where humans will have some great gift or talent. That gift or talent is never used as a career. It may only be there for you to enjoy your ability. You may have a completely different path to pursue for your life’s work. Some gifts and talents are offered to you for your own amusements or a creative outlet. You are given more talents and gifts than you would need for your lifetime so that you have options and ways to create for yourself and maybe the pleasure of those around you. Your life is constantly evolving. Enjoy what you have and cultivate your gifts. You never know when and where they will come in handy.


The Godhead

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I once heard that the Dali Lama said that his religion was the religion of compassion. I liked that. It eliminated a lot of doctrine and cut down the energy of dogma to something simple. What would you want your religion to be? What would you make as your mantra or slogan to reflect the you that you want to be? When people think of you, what do you want them to think? A lot of the channeling and information in these messages is geared at helping you form your own path and create a life that is right for you. Awareness helps you create that life. Pay attention to those who make you feel good and those whom you want to spend time with. What attributes do you admire in those people? What do you like about yourself and what do you want to change about yourself? How can you shift your own consciousness to make those adjustments? There is much out in the world and you get to form a path that is unique to you. You are not a victim. You are a powerful being who is creating the life that you are asking to live. The power of change resides in all of us. Start from working within and you will notice that it reflects outside of you. Once you recognize this, you can figure out the keys to change whatever you want to change.


Ken and Yahweh

Saturday, December 15, 2012

In helping my father with his process of end of life, I have been looking at certain behaviors that I see with his completions. One lesson I have observed is that there is a need to tell people exactly what is on your mind and not care about the repercussions. I would think that if you wanted to leave any legacy, it would be to leave people with loving, supportive thoughts. If you only had one moment with someone, what do you want to leave them with? Now, look at each encounter that you have with people. If that is the only moment you have with someone what do you want them to be aware of or leave the moment with?

There seems to be so much anger with people. I would rather leave each person with something that is loving and compassionate. I know that each person needs to make their own decisions with this. I just look at all the behaviors out there and I would like the world to be a more loving and kind place because I was here and not spread venom to those whom I meet and come into contact with. I don’t like everyone and they don’t like me but I don’t wish them harm. So for today, think about what you would want, if you only had one moment with someone or if it was your last conversation with someone. It all goes down to being the solution to an issue or feeding the problem. I would rather help find solutions. There is no right or wrong answer to any of this. Each must follow their own conscience.



Friday, December 14, 2012

Dear Ones,

Enjoy this day and where you are right now. Enjoy this moment. Many work at what is next, what they want or what they fear that they lack but they forget that this very moment is the result of something that they have asked for. Don’t neglect what is here and now and what is before you in this moment. Enjoy this moment for when it is gone, it is gone. Many are in a rush to move forward or have something different. Then, they reflect on the good old days or when something else was present. At some time in the future, you will perceive this as the good old days or a time that was simpler. You must enjoy what you have right here and now. There are always others around you, at all times. You have but only to pursue your path.

See who and what joins you this day. Don’t rush anything else. If you are alone, enjoy the quiet. If you are surrounded in something else, enjoy that too. People tend to focus on what they don’t have in the moment, instead of what they do have in the moment. Spend time with just enjoying the here and now.


The Godhead

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Blessed Ones,

When we instruct you to do something and you feel the sense of urgency, trust what you are picking up. The timing may have some flexibility in the actual event but it is important to follow the alerts that you are given. We recognize that it seems to erode your trust in those working with you, when the timing is not exact. However, we are helping to prepare you for something taking place. All things will happen as they are supposed to, once the energy is aligned. What you are picking up is not wrong. It is just being done when the energy is formed and it may not appear on the earth plane at the precise moment you are foreseeing. It will happen soon after. Certain energy shifts are now accelerating. So, be patient and prepared.

It may be better if you hold what you are picking up to yourself so that others don’t pressure you for the exact timing. Their pressure can hold back some of what needs to happen. It will still take place but others will be focused on adding stress to the energy and that is never helpful.


Yahweh and the Godhead

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Astrology and numbers are just a form of how people try to portend the future and how things are supposed to take place. Notice how vastly different things are right now. Many of the old ways and techniques are not working any longer. It is time for each of you to find your own way in working and being in the world. Create your own path and allow your destiny to unfold. It is fine to study the old ways but you are now evolving and something new is taking place. You are seeking to find and learn the new rules. So, be open to self discovery and how your world will now open up for you and with you. You are a wonderful gift to humanity and your unique gifts and perspective will fit in beautifully to wherever you belong. Don’t feel the need to force yourself on anyone. If you need to force yourself, you don’t belong there. Be who and what you are and allow your journey to begin each day fresh with wonderful new opportunities before you.

If you are not aware of your own gifts, don’t worry. All things will be revealed perfectly. In most cases, your true gifts are so much a part of you, that you might not recognize them as gifts. They are just you! Isn’t that wonderful!


The Godhead

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

For the past few years, I have been watching my Dad go into phases and out of phases where he is not really here on this plane. When he goes into these places, I haven’t been able to track him or find him to see what is going on. I had some friends who are psychics and mediums check in with him to see where he is going and what is happening and they also found that they couldn’t track him. When, my mother made her transition, I was able to communicate with her during the whole process, so I found it interesting that I couldn’t do this with my father. The caregivers and I have watched how my father will appear to be pretty lucid for certain people and then check out of it, when those people are away from him. What we have figured out is that his process is something that isn’t supposed to be tampered with. Doctors will see my Dad and not know what we are worried about and then he leaves the office and goes out of it. This all helped us to realize that anyone who is going to try and alter his path, won’t see what is really going on so that his path is left alone. He needs to undergo whatever is happening with him.

You might find that this shows up with you, in relationship to others. If this is happening don’t worry about it. Allow it to be as it needs to be and hold space for the individuals who are undertaking this process. Your job in these moments is to create a safe place for whatever needs to take place. Remove judgment of this being wrong. Keep them safe and surround them in loving environments. Not being attached to the process of another is a wonderful gift.



Monday, December 10, 2012

There are times where your teams will not give you psychic information. This can happen when there is something taking place that they are shielding you from. It can happen, if you are trying to find information about something that is not for you to know. There are times of transition where you just need to be in the transition without knowing the outcome. There are times where someone needs to go through their own process and if you knew the outcome for them, you would try and interfere. Some pieces of the puzzle are not to be tampered with.

You will always know what you need to know and you will often be shown a piece of the puzzle beforehand. So, don’t stress over not getting information. This is where your trust is vital and you must just stay open. This is also the part where you must learn to back away and not worry about what is about to take place. You will have the guidance to help you navigate areas where you need help. You are being watched over so we ask that you trust us.



Sunday, December 9, 2012

Many times you endeavor to plan for the future or for the way things are going to be and the Universe presents you with a different plan. You may try and work for future events and hold assumptions about what is about to take place and something else happens. Your world is changing quickly and the way you manifest and create will change as well. Your life holds many lessons and sometimes you must be willing to just be present and not concern yourself with what the next moment holds. There are many intersections of time and space where multiple possibilities exist and the decision of what needs to take place doesn’t appear into the last second of that crossroad.

When you are placed in positions where you are in limbo and you are not seeing what is around the corner, it is because you are not being asked to look around the corner yet. Your lesson is openness and showing up. Your lesson is about dropping your agendas. Learn to let go and release expectations. You still get to hold onto hopes and desires but you release attachments to end results. Know that something wonderful is coming in next. Be clear and open. You will see the multitude of miracles about to take place. Trust and miracles will present themselves to you constantly.

In the meantime, practice being in your day. Embrace each moment and be open to wonder and miracles. Remember to look beyond what is appearing to happen. You don’t know what that specific experience was really about. So, don’t judge the experience beyond your own feelings and reactions. You get to choose what feels best for you in the moment.



Saturday, December 8, 2012

How often do you speak and feel that no one is listening to you? You feel that you are putting out energy but not getting anything back. That is only an appearance. All energy and all thoughts are received on many levels. You don’t always see how it affects others but it will always have an affect. When you enter into a space, you feel the energy that is being projected into the space. Those feelings are infectious for the good or bad of the people there. When you feel that energy, it helps you understand what is happening in the room. Your thoughts and words are similar. There is always an affect.

We would ask each of you to be clear about what you are putting out into the world. Be more mindful of what your energy is like and what you are projecting. Just because you don’t say something or express your thoughts out loud doesn’t mean that they are not heard loud and clear. There is power in all of your thoughts, deeds, actions and words. Use your power wisely!



Friday, December 7, 2012

You can’t force people into your life because you want them in your life. You can’t force people to spend time with you. You can’t force people to be your friends. People must be in your life because they belong in your life. We know that this can be lonely, at times, but it is well worth waiting for the right people to step into your life. There is plenty of work for you to do, while you are waiting for the people who belong in your life to show up. Focus on changing your thoughts to more loving and positive thoughts. Work on yourself to be who and what you truly want to be. When you are on your path, you will have things show up as if by magic. It is only when you are not on your path that you have to work really hard to make things happen and make people engage with you.

It is time to move past manipulation. Enter into the flow that benefits you. If you are around people who are working on lowering the vibrations of others, start to distance yourself from those people. The only reason to be around the people who are dedicated to lowering the vibrations of others, is if that is what you enjoy doing yourself. If you are committed to raising your own vibration, you need to be around others who are raising their vibrations. It is time to choose the type of being you wish to be and the life that you wish to create. Your job is not to change others or “fix” others. Your basic job is to experience and grow.



Thursday, December 6, 2012

What you worry about, you are actually creating into reality. If you are projecting your fear or worries onto others, you are working on manifesting those fears and worries for the people you are focused on. Is that what you truly wish to create or help create for another. Pay attention to what energy you are sending to others.

It is much better to trust that they will have whatever they need and all will work out beautifully for them. Then, you are sending support to them on their path. If you all did that for each other, you would be helping each other instead of creating issues for others. In truth, you all will have exactly what you need and it will come in perfectly. So, there is no need to create false obstacles or to create false obstacles for others. If you shift your focus, you can truly create amazing things. So, start paying attention to your worries and concerns and then shift them into something positive so that you don’t need to manifest them in your physical existence. Also, don’t project your fears onto others. Send them love and support instead. Creating consciously will have amazing results globally.

Blessings and Love,


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

When you watch people in your lives go through processes that seem challenging, we know that many of you would like to help them or support them through their experience. However, you are not always meant to do this. We appreciate that you want to help. There are times where their process will put you on hold from following your own path because there will soon be a piece that you will be called to help with and your next process may take you into a place where you will no longer be available. This is where you must learn to trust that you are being taken care of and the other person is being taken care of. Your worlds may collide while you help the person through their energy shift. There is certain work that you can’t do for another person. You must allow them to process what is taking place without you there. Your energy may interfere with their process. The issue is you are often allowing your senses to guide you and what you see may seem like something you want to interfere with. Your intuition tells you not to interfere and it doesn’t make sense to you. Trust what you are picking up through your intuitive guidance. You will know how to proceed. Trust is vital for this moment in time. You may feel a disconnect from those following ego pathways while you are following a spirit pathway. Each must follow the path that is right for them. At some point, you might understand what is really taking place. If you don’t understand this experience, there is no need for concern. Learn to follow your guidance.



Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Think about your frequency and vibration. Your frequency and vibration will help you manifest what you have right now. It is what helps attract things to you or detract things from you. If you focus on what you want to bring into your life, you can also focus on shifting your frequency and vibration to allow for that energy to come into your life. You will find that when you start this, you are not holding the vibrational change because it is not your natural vibration. If it is something that you really are supposed to have, you will be able to make the change permanent. However, realize that your frequency and vibration right where it is serves you. To force change will not serve you. To allow change will serve you.

It is okay to spend time each day feeling the vibration of what you want to attract and also feeling the frequency of what you wish to attract. What is yours will come to you by being who and what you are naturally. This exercise will help you feel what you are seeming to want. It will also give you an understanding of what you are asking for.



Monday, December 3, 2012

Many people try to attract people into their lives by focusing on them and trying to manipulate situations to make the person come into their lives. This actually will deter the person from coming into their life. It may work on some physical level but it doesn’t draw the connection to you. It repels the person from being with you. The reason is that the person picks up the needy energy and will tend to back away. If you send a pure sense of love and support to them, that may allow the attraction to take place but you can’t hold an agenda in the layers of energy. You have to just send love without any attachment to results or desire.

When you want to attract anything into your life, the system is about opening energy. Be clear about what you want and how it feels. Then, be open and find a way to be happy right here and now. Trust the Universe to do an amazing job of co-creating with you. You will find miracles tend to appear beautifully. Sometimes, it is a matter of recognizing when the miracle actually does appear. Each moment is a potential miracle and each moment is a potential for something wonderful. So, be present and open so that you recognize it when it shows up.

With love,


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Creation is a gift. The art of manifestation is a gift. It is simple and requires clarity. Manifestation is not about manipulations of people and things. Many who would express the ways of alchemy would insist that you are making something into something else and it requires commands and control over the elements. I would submit this is not true. There are many forces in all of creation that are willing to come together and allow you to enlist their help in creating your dreams.

When you focus on your true hearts desire, you must relinquish your desire to manipulate and control another person or energy. Instead, be clear about the energy that you wish to attract and invite it in. If you wish to manifest wealth, what is true wealth to you? Enlist the energies that are required for you to have that to work with you. If you desire a husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, be clear about what attributes will work well with you and then enlist the right energy to come together and help you attract that person. Be open, for often what you truly wish for will have a different appearance to what you think you want or it might take a journey to arrive at it. All that you truly desire is out there for you and you have the means of manifesting it. Just invite in the right help to do so and don’t assign how and when and where it will be created. You have many lifetimes to explore and meander through time and space. This lifetime will show you what you truly need and want to support this experience.



Saturday, December 1, 2012

You are a precious creation of the lord most high God! You are guided and protected by precious creations of the lord most high God! How does that make you feel? You have been blessed with daily opportunities and experiences. You are magnificent in your work and how you allow life to transpire. There is no need to wallow or feel belittled or betrayed for you have not been brought here to focus on such energy. All of life is a precious gift to you and this world. When you start looking at each person and experience as a true gift, you will see things quite differently.

Now as for any gift, you must look at what you resonate with. When you came into this world, you asked for experiences and ways to go through time and space. So, you will then cull out what you don’t see as belonging. However, this doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with the things you don’t accept. It is like buying clothes, there might be wonderful pieces out there that are just not for you. It doesn’t diminish the items, it just allows you to pick and choose. You may also change your choices. As you grow and change, so will your choices. So, remember that when you try and diminish someone or something because it no longer fits into your path. Know it is still an amazing gift and you are releasing it so that someone else may discover the gift and have their experience with it. Find a way to be loving and kind in the releasing of what is not for you.

