Sunday, December 30, 2012

Back in October, I was looking at the violence and the kidnappings that resulted in murders. It started raising some questions about what is going on. Also, the amount of violence around the world and threats of attacks on other countries was also raising questions. This is what came through:

When you see many acts of violence, you are looking from a human perspective of evil attacking. There are soul agreements at work with good and bad. There are lessons and experiences that are taking place. There are many levels of energy being affected in this process. You are not aware of much that is taking place. Mankind often chooses how they will leave your planet. Those leaving in these fashions may be doing so for their soul agreements. These people may be finished with what they were meant to do or there may be some other piece for those whom they are connected with. Violence of all forms happens when one party decides to act out on their anger and aggression. Another soul allows this to take place or they participate in this energy. It escalates or diminishes based on how each being participates. The soul is always okay. The body is just a shell that is being borrowed as part of an experiment. Many will be leaving your planet soon and it is because they have not contracted to stay for this latest transition. So, fear not. Be willing to help the souls who are crossing over to leave and to help the families and friends who are staying in whatever process they require.

Each of you must decide how you will respond to life. Will you participate in the magic and joy that is around you or will you look for ways of anger and resentment. Very few humans are aware of when they will come and go from your planet. It is much better to put your energy in enjoying those whom you choose to hold in your life while they are with you. Enjoy each day and each moment. Decide to live in love and light. That is a gift that you can each decide on. As always you have free will and choices in how you behave and live your life.

