Thursday, March 21, 2013

I have been reading some books and articles written by people who are doing different spiritual and healing work. The behavior that struck me is that they often jump to human reactions to experiences and never stop to tune in and see what needs to happen in the moment. An example is that someone is ready to cross over and the “healer” blocks them from doing their journey because the “healer” is scared or wants to control the other person’s process. Or someone hears that a friend is missing or having some medical problem and then panics and places their own self in danger to get to the person they perceive needs them. If we don’t judge the experience, we can open up to how we can help with whatever needs to happen. Too often we assume we have the answer for something that we don’t even know the question for. As each of us grows and evolves, we know that all things happen as they need to. We don’t need to worry or stress over many situations. People will have the help that they need. The help is not always on the physical plane.

So, when things show up in your life, step back ask what you are supposed to do in the experience and how you can help. Don’t go into fear. Just breathe and see what your piece is in the moment. Pay attention to what comes through. This will allow you to play your real role in whatever is taking place. This process doesn’t need to take a long time. It just allows you to see things for what they are and not what you think they are.

