Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Perceptions versus Realities

Blessed Ones,

Your perceptions are what you view as your realities. This is not always the case but this is how people operate. What you perceive, you also assume others perceive. What you think, you perceive other’s think. Not everyone thinks like you or perceives like you. Hence, you must be able to figure out how others perceive issues to help them work through issues. You must be aware that others think differently from you. There is an importance to this because it helps you understand what is happening in various situations and existences. Know this and understand it. It will help change your life.

Now, look for truth and not your perceptions. Go into the energy of what you are picking up and ask truth to be revealed, known and understood. How does this change what is taking place and how you interact with what is taking place? We are trying to show you where the true power lies. It lies in the core energy and in what is transpiring. It is not how things appear but what is the base energy at the foundation. Always look for this and it will take you beyond appearances and into the place of power.

Light and Love,
