Sunday, March 4, 2012

Be Light and Love!

Dear Ones,

To help you with what needs to take place now, start from love. Connect to the light within you and around you. Envision yourself just shining from the light that you are. Hold the thoughts of love and compassion for all that is and all that is created. Send thoughts of support for all life. Feel the energy expand. That is the only focus we advise.

Notice that this energy is not about fixing or changing others. This energy is just about aligning yourselves with light, love and compassion for all that is. Be a source of true light in areas that may seem dark but do not judge darkness as a bad thing. You are sending unconditional love and support to all that is without judgment of needs, perceived lack or any limitations.

Your work is to simply come from love. Trust that each being will follow their own path beautifully. Trust that all things work out just as they need to work out. No life is wasted or unwanted. As humans leave this world, they simply move on and enter another dimension or realm. Be at peace with whatever shows up or transpires. Hold your own light and love for all that is. Project gratitude for all pieces and how they exist in your world. If you truly wish to be part of solutions send light and love into your world without any attachments to results. There will be other pieces for you to create but you must first master this piece. You must be the initial, pure light energy before you may do anything else. That is your first lesson and first major task. Then just radiate from a pure place. Energy knows what to do. It doesn’t need to be controlled by anyone or anything. It just is what it is.

