Monday, February 6, 2012

Here and Now!

Many of you are seeking to know your futures. Here and now is your true gift. Don’t worry about much more than this day. You may save for your futures and look at ways of doing what you can to preserve your wealth or grow your wealth but that is a small part of your reality. Don’t focus on what could happen but in what is going on right now and in this present moment. Work on altering this piece of time. The next moment will find its way to you. Allow for twists and turns in your futures. That is the great adventure. If you knew the outcome, would you be so invested in the moment? At the end of this physical existence, you will all cross over into another dimension. Your soul will continue on. The more interesting part is what are you going to do with your time in the physical form. Put your energy in that.

How can you be loving and supportive of those who are traveling in your day? You don’t need to fix or change anyone. You get to pull judgment of others. Love and support can be as simple as giving someone a smile or holding the door open for them. It can be listening to someone who needs to vent or talk. Trust that each of you holds the keys to your own answers and you will know what we are talking about. Your work doesn’t involve altering another or fixing another. Instead, try and enjoy each other. If you don’t enjoy someone, don’t spend time with them or limit your time together. There are plenty of experiences that await you that you can enjoy.

