Friday, June 3, 2011

Various Missions

Noah was sent to earth for his mission with the ark. Jeshua was sent to the earth plane to help wake man up to the path of love and acceptance of all. Moses was sent to lead his people out of bondage to a place where they could find freedom. During different time periods of man’s history, we have sent different individuals to help mankind progress, learn and advance. You are in such a time period where many advances are soon to take place.

Those of you who are meant to be light workers or light being advocates, have been brought to the earth for various missions. Your missions will be revealed to you, as you are ready for them or as the world is ready for them. You will be prepared in a way so that you will know how to proceed or advance. We often only share the pieces that you need to receive. Much of the information resides in your DNA. There is no need for you to worry about how to proceed or what to do. You will know what is required when the time is right. If you do not know the answers that you seek now, it is because it is not time. If you need to know something, the answers will be revealed when the time is appropriate. So, there is no need to fret. This is not something you can work at for you either are or you are not ready. You will or you won’t proceed. It will be automatic, when and if the time is right. You cannot do your work until the time is right. It is part of the great plan.

We caution you about wanting to do what another does or trying to take on the work of another. You all have your own unique gifts and responsibilities. Do not hold onto anyone who needs to progress. Allow those who are ready to move on to move on. Allow the progression to take place on the time table set up from the advanced energies. Humans will no longer be able to get in the way of the important work that needs to take place. The ego decisions must be put aside so that the other energy may now come to the forefront.


The United Federation of Light Beings