Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Earth Changes & Priorities!

With all that is about to take place on the earth, think carefully about where your priorities lie and what is important to you. Many in your world are focused on minutia and that will not serve what is about to be. You have seen a taste with floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tornadoes. When you compare those experiences, are your problems/issues that important and worthy of your stress and angst.

Fights over land and trying to dictate to one another are not a good focus. Some areas have carried vendettas for centuries and are digging in their heals in on who is right and who is wrong. People want things back that their generation never had to begin with. Groups claim land and territory. Groups wish to place humans into submission to their will. Many claim their way is the only way. Mankind will not survive with that mentality. You will create extinction of mankind with such anger, control and manipulation.

There are some in your world predicting the end of the world. They are advising others to repent and submit to their beliefs or you will not have access to God or what you refer to as heaven. That is nonsense. God loves all of you. You will be in your physical forms as long as you are in your physical forms whether that is one hour from now or 100 years from now. While you are what you refer to as alive, live your life. You may live as this is the only day but also take care of your futures. We wish you to create existences where you thrive and stop the suffering models and punishment models. If you respect all life and the rights of all, you have no need to carry on the suffering models. It is not for mankind to decide how another must live. Your lives are reviewed at the time of your crossing over. Your future lives will help you learn lessons you have not understood in this lifetime. We see the need for containing those who would be violent against others but we do not see the need to punish someone because they think or believe differently from you. Each of you has your answers, when you really need them. Until then, really be clear about your focus and what is aligned with you and treat all life with respect and honor.


The Bringers of Light