Sunday, November 18, 2012

Everyone goes through different phases in their lives. Each phase is meant to prepare you for whatever is next and to help you with what you need now. People and situations will show up that are relevant to whatever you are needing at the time. If you need to learn about boundaries, people and situations will show up to teach you about that. If you need to learn about money, people and situations will show up to teach you about that. If you want to learn about relationships, people and situations will help you learn about the areas you want to learn about. You may have phases about learning to let go of things and people. As you go through different phases, what you can have in your life will change. It doesn’t mean that whatever you are letting go of is bad, it just means that it no longer fits your world or life. There is no reason to demonize anyone or anything. All experiences are your teachers. Think of these people as spirits with soul agreements to help you learn the pieces that you need to learn or have asked for. When you are finished with that lesson, you move onto the next lesson and new people and situations will show up to help prepare you for that.

It is imperative that you not try and control other people. Don’t try and force someone into your life because your ego mind wants them around. Don’t try and force a creation because you think you want it or deserve it. There is a grand scheme in play and you are part of it. It is better to work on what is your piece to work on. It all works out beautifully.


The Godhead