Saturday, April 21, 2012

We are going to discontinue the daily messages and newsletters as they have been now. We need to do this to prepare the way for what is coming next. We will come in and share information with you, as we can. There is an evolutionary shift that is now happening. Your guides must be free to evolve so that they may then help you with your own evolutionary path. Others will step forward so that no one is left alone during this phase.

This is a powerful time for you to all be alive and on the earth. Know that you have done well and we are not stepping back because of any other reason than this evolutionary shift. All worlds and realms are being enlisted in this shift.

So, be patient and know we are still with you. We just need to prepare the way and then we can enlist you in the new ways. We will come through from a new perspective soon.


The Godhead and Light Bearers

During this time of transition, make sure that you follow your own intuition. Be aware and open to what is coming through you. There is nothing to fear. If you feel it is time to shift jobs, take classes or move, follow what comes through. If you pay attention to what you are receiving, you will be just fine in this transition. Take care of yourselves. We will come through again, after the shift takes place. We don’t want anyone to panic or be in fear. Know there is always great love around you.

The Light

This is the end of one phase and beginning of another. There will still be messages but they are different in nature and energy. I was able to get a few newsletters out, after this week but they are not from the previous energies that channeled them to me.
