Friday, September 2, 2011


A while ago, I did a reading for someone and everything that was given to the client was negated by the client. They were not willing to move to the city that was coming up for them and the session ended with knowing this person only wanted to hear specific answers but wouldn’t entertain anything outside of what they wanted to hear. It didn’t matter if a path was showing everything that they claimed to want. My group stopped giving information in the reading because of that.

I was then working with someone else and their future had changed to where they needed to be. The second person lived in the same region as the other person. Person two was being asked to move out of that region also but to a different location. From the second reading, we were shown what was happening in that area and why it was good to be out of there. It was to bring client two into a safe zone. The other client was potentially being moved into a safe zone but said no to what was coming through so we never got to the full reasons for the move.

The guides were showing that each person puts out what they want and then their group endeavors to come up with the best answer for each person. The answers also take into account all that the clients are asking for. We have the choice to say no but there will often be consequences to the responses that we may not be aware of. Yes, we are co-creators but we need to be able to say yes to the steps that are put in motion by our desires. That way we are brought to the outcome we are asking for. If we put out a desire and then say no to the answer, we are saying no to the creation. Plan A is usually more affective then plan W. If we say no to the plan, then we are asking for a variation that won’t be as affective.

Ken and Team