Thursday, June 13, 2013

I was talking to a friend a few weeks back. We were discussing her artwork and how it was evolving. We were noticing how there were many things that we thought were part of the game plan that seem to be not related or connected to us any more. What came through is that many of us were given projects and things to occupy our time, while our real work was being prepared. As we connect more and more to our real work, the other projects will go away. There may be a period of stillness where the Universe doesn’t want us to fill the void with anything. We may be instructed to not answer the phone or go out of our homes, during this period. It is important to follow our guidance through this transition so that we don’t get in the way of our shifts and transformations. People will either understand or not understand what we are going through. It is important for us to each follow what is showing up for us. This will be different for each of us.

The other issue that came up was the fear that we need to pay our bills and we have to be able to function in the “real world.” What came through is that we are trying to operate on the old model. Once the new model opens up, we are going to have a very different future. If you are concerned, just place into the equation the need to be honoring of your obligations and those who provide services for you. You may still hear a clear no to something and forcing it won’t make your life easier. Trust what comes through. There is a major shift and change happening right here and now. Many of us feel it. The world is changing on many levels and in many ways.


Ken and Team