Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The subject of healthy boundaries is coming up again. You are set with the task of setting up the boundaries that work for you. Others must set up the boundaries that work for them. You are responsible for taking care of your own needs and not the needs of others. You may be placed in a position to help others take care of their needs but you are really charged with your own needs.

Many of you are looking for others to take care of you. That is not being in your own power. You must be your own best advocate. That is part of your human job. We can advise you and help you realize which boundaries are healthy for you to establish. You may be asked to do something and it is up to you to figure out how to make this happen, while taking care of your own needs. It doesn’t matter what others are trying to get you to do. You must find a way to find honoring boundaries for yourself. If you can’t work with certain aspects so that they are able to work for you, then you must release them. We are approaching a time where you must be called to action and you will need to find ways to make this happen so that all needs are included.


The Godhead